Status bar info

Ideas for new features

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Status bar info

Post by Defenestration »

I have previously requested that the character code (eg. ASCII/ANSI/Unicode code) of the character under the cursor be displayed in the status bar.

My next suggestion comes after using WinMerge. WinMerge shows the following information in it's status bar:

"Ln: Current line number Col: Current column number/Total columns on line Ch: Current Character on line/Total Characters on line"

For lines without tabs, the Col and Ch sections will be the same.

TextPad should also show this information, or at least allow the information to be toggled on.

Further to this, the status bar could be configurable (the Directory Opus file manager is a good example of this which allows the status bar to be completely configured through text and macros, much like the Printer Header/Footer in TextPad which also allows text and macros).

Re: Status bar info

Post by ArneS2182 »


I was also looking for some status bar config. The suggestions above are helpful too, and with Ctrl+F1 one can set the status bar to display file statistics. I also would like to have some user-defined configuration, so that I could set the status bar to show the current page number depending on the form feed characters and the page settings without opening the page preview. As the post above is from 2005 without any answer, I am not sure wether the enhancement is already included.

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