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Initialize Find TextBox with word at cursor location

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:07 pm
by melvers
When the Find or Replace button are selected the Find textbox is initialized with the currently selected text. However, if no text is selected then no initialization happens (the previous entry is maintained). I would like to suggest that when no text is selected that the Find textbox get initialized with the word at the current cursor location. Perhaps it could be a configurable option to use the previous text or the text at the cursor location.

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:03 pm
by SamuelReynolds
You forgot "would make me stop using TextPad"!

The way it works now works very well for me. If I've selected a word, it becomes the search word, and I don't even have to do a Find--just Find Again. If I then make a nearby edit, I need only hit an arrow key (to make sure nothing is selected) and Find Again (ctrl-G in my keyboard mapping) to go to the next occurrance. With your "enhancement" this would, instead, search for whatever word the cursor happened to be in--most likely not the next occurrance of my previous search.

No thanks!

- Sam

RE: Initialize Find TextBox with word at cursor location

Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:01 pm
by bdw
I can see what SamuelReynolds means about doing Find Next with a keyboard shortcut, but melvers is talking about what should happen when the Find/Replace dialog is opened - and this usually implies the user wants to make changes to the search criteria. I don't see any reason why the Find Next behaviour cannot be maintained until the user re-opens the dialog. In any case, if this was a configurable option (as melvers suggests) it could hardly be taken as a reason to "stop using TextPad", since you could just switch it off.

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2005 4:43 pm
by Zaippa
This would be an extreamly annoying feature - usually i don't want to search for the word under the cursor. Often i want to search again for what i just searched for before.

Thus it would be extreamly annoying if textpad started to initialize the search-field. (i would have to write what i just wrote once again, or have to open a new document and paste what i want to search for and copy/paste it back into the search field each time i want to do a search...)

[edit] yeah, ok - i could use the cursor-down key aswell :) But still [/edit]

Also - what's wrong with selecting the word(s) you want to search for, if your cursor by coincidence is close to those words?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 3:28 am
by Clutchplate
The lack of being able to search for the word under the cursor is my single biggest annoyance with TextPad. :D

While I don't agree with the initial suggestions, do it like Visual Studio, make it an extra hotkey (Ctrl-F3 in VS). That way if you want to continue searching just use F3, but to change use Ctrl-F3. I find myself using Ctrl-F very infrequently.

Please at least add a new hotkey that supports this!


- Clutchplate

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2005 10:29 am
by MudGuard
Do it yourself - see how to in the other thread: ... 65d7#20447

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:02 pm
by melvers
Its been a while since I posted this, but my suggestion was only to initialize the Find dialog when opening the dialog, not to replace text that is already in an open dialog.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 1:50 pm
by ak47wong
The post that MudGuard referred to (7 years ago!) can be found here: