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Graphically Showing File Hierarchy in Document Selector

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2004 6:01 pm
by mives
Please add some form of graphically displaying the hierarchy of all open files in the document selector (it could be as simple as adding indents to files). If you can't add it to a single document selector could you add the ability to have multiple document selectors so each document selector could diplay files to help group open files?

Displaying full file pathnames takes up too much room and is difficult to quickly understand the directory structure. Emacs has a very nice file selector when viewing Verilog or VHDL files that could be used for reference. I like to open all design files when working on a design; however when full pathnames are displayed the document selector eats up too much room so I don't enable full paths. In non-full path mode the files are alphebetized and its difficult to determine their location within the hierarchy. Is there a way a can turn on paths relative to a starting directory within the file selector?

The display change could be as simple as adding a 2 space indent for each sub directory for the sub directory files.

Treeview in the document selector

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 4:38 am
by gracefool
This is part of Treeview in the document selector. Please vote there.

Please look at the list of recent enhancment suggestion polls before you create a new poll.