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Drag drop from "Document Selector" between instanc

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:31 am
by LouisIsOnline
A feature to promote productivity is the ability to drag drop documents from the "Document Selector between different instances of Textpad.

I have two monitors and sometimes want to work on two instances of textpad. But i find it difficult because it is hard to share the workspace of open files between the two instances, because in the new instance, I have to open up each file individually using File->Open.


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 7:50 am
by ben_josephs
To do this one file at a time is already easy. Select the name of the current file with Edit | Copy Other | Filen Name, and paste it into the File Open dialogue box in the other session. I have Ctrl+Alt+F as a shortcut for EditCopyFileName, so it's Ctrl+Alt+F, Alt+Tab, Ctrl+O, Ctrl+V, Ret.