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Functionality to Edit Macros, etc

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:39 am
by prmyers
I have just found the macro recorder and have used it to create two macros to change the HTML tags on my Bookmark file and then save the result under a new filename.

My suggested enhancement, as I have been unable to locate what I am looking for, would be to add functionality to:

1. Enable the user to edit a recorded macro, so that extraneous keystrokes, etc, can be removed or modifications made;

2. Enable the user to physically key in their own macros via a macro editor screen to perform functions which can't be recorded; and,

3. In line with 2 above, develop and provide appropriate Help page information to allow the user to learn the keywords and syntax required to create and edit recorded and user-written macros.

I would hope that the above enhancement may be considered worthy and perhaps considered for inclusion sooner rather than later.

Thank you

Paul Myers

Re:Functionality to Edit Macros, etc

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:14 am
by skaemper
Hi Paul,

note that there's this thread where I suggested "Editable Macros" which is pretty much the same as yours:

If you haven't already, I'd like to suggest to vote there too. 8)
Jeffy (more or less) regularly posts an analysis of the enhancement suggestions to a thread, so we can see how the suggestions are ranked. :D



Re:Functionality to Edit Macros, etc

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:17 pm
by jeffy
skaemper wrote:Jeffy (more or less) regularly posts an analysis of the enhancement suggestions to a thread, so we can see how the suggestions are ranked. :D
It's been posted regularly for just over a year now. Monthly for a while, at the end of every month.

I'm good, man! :' )

You are...

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:04 pm
by skaemper
... great! :D
Keep up the great work!



Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:54 pm
by gracefool
jeffy wrote:It's been posted regularly for just over a year now. Monthly for a while, at the end of every month.

I'm good, man! :' )
You are :)