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Find In Current File

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 8:34 am
by kengrubb
I suppose this would be a subset of the Find In Files functionality. I'd like to have a Find In Current File function. I do quite a bit of searching for all instances of a particular string in the file I'm viewing.

Find all occurrences in current file

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:54 am
by Nial
> I suppose this would be a subset of the Find In Files functionality. I'd
> like to have a Find In Current File function. I do quite a bit of searching
> for all instances of a particular string in the file I'm viewing.


I do this too, it's invaluable to be able to quickly jump to all
instances where a particular variable is assigned a value etc.

Have a look at the thread "Cool Tools to use with TextPad - Grep"
in the HOW-TOs Forum. This has a link to a posting of mine explaining
how to set this up.

All occurrences of the currently highlighted string (or the word the
cursor is in) are found and reported to the Command Results window
with each report being a hyper link back to the original file.

The only thing stopping this being INVALUABLE is a floating Command
Results window so you can position it away from the main Textpad
window so you don't have to keep switching back and forward.

A floating Command /Search results window is an enhancement
suggested here... ... highlight=

.. so away and vote for it.

(The problem with these enhancement suggestions running for so long
is that no-one's going to trawl through the last 11 pages of posts to
see if what they want is there. Come on Helios, what about a new
version with the top 20 suggestions implemented).

Hope this helps,


Standard Grand Unification notice/plug

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:28 am
by gracefool
Added problem to Grand Unification Theory.