Find - Highlight All (quick syntax highlighting)

Ideas for new features

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Find - Highlight All (quick syntax highlighting)

Post by ahron »

The one feature I like better in Boxer is it's "Highlight All" option in the find dialog,
which is in fact a quick short-cut to temporary syntax highlighting.
Very smart to visually highlight all matches of a word - eg of a variable name,
even more powerfull as it works together with find next/previous commands.

In textpad this could be implemented with a "Highlight All" button on the find dialog, similar to the existing "Mark All" button.
Such highlighting could be active until the next Find command, or perhaps the "Highlight All" button could switch to "Clear Highlighting".

Light yellow (not too aggresive) would be my favourite (default) Find-highlight background color.
Ahron, Amsterdam
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Post by gracefool »

That would be nice (and easy to implement).
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Post by CyberSlug »

I might be able to hack together a way to do this.... but it would not support regular expressions.

I have some tools that let you quickly add keywords to a SYN file and then reload it. hmm
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