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Request some math handling, and autoload macro capability

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 7:20 am
by jkurrle

I would like to use this product to automatically autoformat a comma delimited data file, so I could turn my data into an SQL dump file.

One major stumbling block is that I have one field called "Duration" which is the amount of time spent processing a call. It is broken into HH:MM:SS format, but to make better use of it, I would like the ability to convert it into a simple integer value (total number of seconds).

If I could highlight blocks, assign them variable names, and use them in calculations, I could then change the time block into a total seconds block.

Also, can the program automatically load a macro? Can macros be chained, so one functions and then calls another to follow? These capabilities would be extremely useful...

Are there plugins that do that? Would I be better served by a different product? Please help. Thank you
