Mark/unmark a block as comment

Ideas for new features

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Mark/unmark a block as comment

Post by vr8ce »

The one thing I miss the most (other than FTP editing) from my old editor is the ability to mark/unmark the currently selected lines of text as comment, using the current syntax highlighting.

That is, the following lines

would turn into

in an SQL file that had comments set to --.

It would use SingleComment if it existed; if not, it could put CommentStart and CommentEnd at the start and end of each line, e.g.

Choosing uncomment would remove the first comment from each line, using the same criteria as above. I'm happy for it to be "stupid", i.e. if we put spaces in front of the comment, it doesn't recognize. Whatever the easiest implementation is that would at least get the capability in there! :)

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Post by CyberSlug »

I hope TextPad gets this feature!

In the meantime, you can try a program I wrote

I also have a slightly different version posted at

I have some changes to add (once winter break comes), but it should be usable for you.
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