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#include search path saved in the work space.

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2003 2:53 pm
by Mike
As I understand it the search path for #includes found in a document comes from the enviroment.
However I have multiple instances of my SW tree and I'd like to be able to have my #includes come from my current branch, not the first instance found on my enviroment include path.
I think adding the #include path to the work space would allow me switch instances.

Thanks Mike

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:15 am
by ramonsky
I could be wrong, but I'm not entirely sure TextPad even HAS a concept of #include files. TextPad lets you edit the source files (for any language), but only a compiler (strictly speaking, a preprocessor) needs to know about an include path - and TextPad is not a compiler.

It might be possible, however, to achieve this goal in a slightly different way. This would still need a modification to TextPad, but a slightly different one from that which you suggest ... but it would have more applicability than just the scenario you suggest.

What you COULD do is to save a set of environment strings with a workspace. TextPad wouldn't have to understand the strings. (They could be, for example, "fish=haddock" or whatever). All it would have to do is make sure that that saved environment is passed onto the tools in the Tools menu. I think that would achieve your goal.


Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2003 11:55 pm
by joel
I could be wrong, but I'm not entirely sure TextPad even HAS a concept of #include files.
It does. If you right-click on stdio.h in #include <stdio.h>, and either MSVC++ is installed or the INCLUDE environment variable is set correctly, TextPad will open the file.

My pet gripe with this feature involves the way I use it - I use MSVC++, cygwin, and MinGW32 about equally, each of which has a different include directory. Also, I have certain libraries that are shared between them (eg. Boost). I could start TextPad from a batch file (or a WinNT cmd file), but then I have to maintain seperate startup files for each compiler, and keep shared directories syncronized - ugh.

I'd prefer keeping the search path in TextPad's options anyway - some compilers like to follow environment variables. Also, this way the search path could be different for different file types - I'd like to right-click on import java.awt.Graphics and open the source for java.awt.Graphics, for example.
