Rearrange tabs via dragging and split-screening tabs

Ideas for new features

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Rearrange tabs via dragging and split-screening tabs

Post by MarqueIV »

Ok, I'm now officially spoiled! I love, love, LOVE the way that Visual Studio .NET allows me to drag tabs around to the order that I want. I equally love the ability to split the screen either horizontally or vertically and have multiple tabs for each individual section. Any chance this could be introduced to TextPad? I'd gladly pay an upgrade fee (or even an entire new license fee) for that feature alone! Makes working with a lot of files much easier.

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Post by ceren »

additional tab concepts I'd like to borrow from these browsers:

*) When I double-click a tab, textpad undocks and resizes the window to "restore down" mode. I'd prefer to have an "option" where textpad will "close" the tab entirely. There, of course, should be some options to fit other's preferences, such as a setting to close the tab with/without a save confirmation. Perhaps you can do what the Mozilla plugin Multizilla does: place a X close button aligned to the left of every tab.

*) The ability to "lock" a tab, which won't close if the "close all" option is selected. Also, it would always require a "close" confirmation if I were to double-click it, assuming you incorporated my first suggestion. MYIE2 allows you to lock a tab via hotkey ALT+X. You could, of course, right click the tab itself and choose "lock"

*) send a tab to a workspace

*) assign an "alias" to a tab. This would come in useful if I had three tabs open with identical file names. It would be difficult to distinguish between the three, but the ability to assign a temporary "nickname" to a tab would be helpful.
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Post by zbert »

These guys hit the nail on the head. I was coming here to suggest the very same things. Almost. I basically wanted the ability to rearrange tabs. What they suggested sounds great.

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Post by gracefool »


At best, this should be a low-priority change, IMO.
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Post by zbert »

I wouldn't consider this highest priority either but feel it would still be useful. I gradually end up with a bunch of open files from several different projects and I'd like to rearrange them so that they are in some kind of logical order to work with. The only way I can do that now is to close the files and reopen them in the order I want. Which I rarely do because it is a pain.

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Post by bryank »

I would certainly go along with the suggestions posted here. I have started using the Mozilla Firefox web browser as my default browser and this has spoilt me with its tab handling.

Being able to close a tab simply by clicking the mouse wheel especially is so incredibly handy, especially when working with multiple files. Clicking the mouse wheel in the empty space on the tab bar restores the latest closed tab. I simply wouldn't go back to using Internet Explorer because of these enhancements alone and seriously miss them when I'm working in Textpad.
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