Java debugger integration

Using the Java SDK with TextPad

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Java debugger integration

Post by nalenb »

Does anyone have a setup that integrates the java debugger with TextPad? I like to be able to run it from within Textpad which I think is easy to setup. However, is there any way to mark breakpoints and have them passed to the debugger? I've always used an IDE to do debugging but would like to change to TextPad to do editting, running, and debugging.

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Post by davidakoontz »

I think you're out of luck - what you appear to be asking for is theI in IDE - the integration of editor with debugger. TextPad is a wonderful editor - but the tool stops there.

However just by saying it can't be done - someone will prove me wrong...
Mark Rejhon
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Post by Mark Rejhon »

Amazingly, TextPad is so powerful -- you can turn TextPad into a full debugging IDE just by writing a custom utility!

This following technique is successful:

You do have to be a programmer, because this requires writing a simple background Windows utility to control TextPad breakpoints and variable watches, turning TextPad into a what feels like a true IDE., however the background system tray utility requires only approximately 500 lines of code to turn TextPad into a full IDE with single-step, step-into, breakpoints, and variable watches for your own programming language of any choice, assuming the programming language you use has some kind of an API for integration with third-party IDE's.
Mark Rejhon
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