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Suggestion for search option

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:10 pm
by w7my
In the days long ago when I used a MAC, I had an editor that had a few unique attributes I found extremely useful but not available elsewhere. These attributes were:

1) Delete lines containing. The search option had a check box that allowed the search element to delete the entire record (line) containing the search text. This is wonderful for cleaning up messy log files.

2) Copy lines containing. Similar to above but copies entire line of text that contains the search string to the clip board so you can paste the results into a separate file. (I would have preferred it to copy the lines directly into a separate file.)

3) Delete duplicate lines. Yes, Textpad has this feature and that why I use it soooo much. Thank you!

Your consideration for 1 and 2 will be appreciated.


Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 10:29 pm
by Bob Hansen
1) Delete lines containing. The search option had a check box that allowed the search element to delete the entire record (line) containing the search text.
Try this:
Search, Find, Mark All.
Edit, Cut Other, Bookmarked Lines.
(Make into a macro)

2) Copy lines containing. Similar to above but copies entire line of text that contains the search string to the clip board so you can paste the results into a separate file.
Try this:
Search, Find, Mark All.
Edit, Copy Other, Bookmarked Lines.
File, New, Paste.
(Make into a macro)

Negative Search

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 3:53 pm
by Jason Shallcross
I'd like to be able to flip the logic on searches, ie say "find lines that don't contain the following text".

In particular, doing negative regular expressions without having "!~" is a real pain! It only needs a little checkbox and the "if" turned into a "if not", a fairly easy one to add I would have thought compared with some suggestions.

I posted this suggestion long ago but it wasn't incorporated in the latest version, despite being told at the time by the development team that they thought it was a good idea. Maybe it got forgotten about.