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Button(s) to Comment and Uncomment code block

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2003 4:04 am
by CyberSlug
Hello, I searched the forums but didn't find a good match, so:

I suggest having a toolbar button that lets you comment out a block of code based on the syntax definition file.

For example, the button would do:
// is inserted for Java files
# is inserted for Perl files
; is inserted for MS Batch files
and so on.

It's annoying to fill up the global macro list with commenting/uncommenting macros for each file class I deal with. (And other texteditors such as EditPad and UltraEdit have this feature.)

Additionally, it would also be nice to be able to assign a macro to a user-defined toolbar button. (Currently, you can only assign "Programs", "DOS Commands", or "Online Help Files.")

yes please !!

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 9:50 am
by woho
would be VERY useful !!

it would be also nice that this button UNcomments the selected lines if there is already an single line comment tag
(this could also be done with block selection, but only when the single comment tags are in the same column)

it should be cleared how to handle "SingleComment", "SingleCommentAlt" ...
