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Systray Icon Naming

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:51 pm
by VoxEcho
When I am working with multiple workspaces, and I minimize several to my systray (yes, I use this feature, and like it) it is impossible to know which is which without remembering the order that I minimized them - they all say textpad when i hover over them. Would it be possible to have systray icons for workspaces pop up the workspace title when I hover the mouse over them?


Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 4:32 pm
by VoxEcho
does no one else run into this? -E

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 6:09 pm
by Jan Paul
I have Texpad in "Single Mode" so when I open an textpad file it opens the document in the same textpad instance.
I also have the taksbar option -and like it very much- and use the tabbed interface of documents.
This way I have only one Textpad icon in the taskbar and when I open this icon I can see all the documents opened in the tabbed list.
Maybe this is an option for you too?

Jan Paul

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 3:44 pm
by ramonsky
No, I get what VoxEcho is saying. VoxEcho also has TP open multiple documents in the same instance of TP, but in VoxEcho's case TextPad is being used as one instance per workspace, not one instance per document. It is the workspace name which is being requested, not the document name.

VoxEcho is clearly well-organised. You can't put ALL of your open documents into the same instance of TP if you're using workspaces, otherwise you'd break the workspace model. I think I would tend to modify VoxEcho's suggestion as follows:
  1. It should be a user-preference as to whether TP displays either (a) the document title or (b) the workspace name, when minimised (defaulting to (a)).
  2. Whatever was selected in step (1) should show as a tooltip when the system tray icon is hovered over.
I confess that all sounds kinda difficult to implement, but I think it would be sensible behavior. It would certainly make life easier when working with multiple workspaces anyway.


Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:12 pm
by VoxEcho
(belated response - and blatent attempt to bring this topic out of the dust bin)

Ramonsky pretty much sums up what i am talking about, though i don't agree that implamentation would be difficult.

Any thoughts from the Textpad people on this?


Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2004 8:21 am
by gracefool
Should be easy to implement. This is the reason I don't use minimize to tray - it's pretty much unusable with multiple instances ATM.

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:37 pm
by VoxEcho
actually, i've gotten pretty good at remembering the order that i minimized them. they read from left to right from newest to oldesst in the systray. but that's really not a good salution.


Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 10:08 pm
by SLerman
Just want to add my support for this. It would definitely be nice to have.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 2:07 pm
by VoxEcho
Bumping this from the dustbin... i am redundent and often repeat myself