Possible bug with word wrap?

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Possible bug with word wrap?

Post by jamesog »

Hi, I'm using Textpad 4.7.1, and I think I've found a possible bug with word wrap, but aren't sure, so wanted to check.

Basically, when word wrap is off, and I press home, it takes me to the start of the text on the line (not necessarily column 1), and pressing home again takes me to column 1. However, with word wrap on, the same just takes me to column 1, no matter what.

This is a minor irritation for me, as when I'm programming and using maintain indent, I generally want to go to the start of the text, not the start of the line (the first column), if that makes sense.

Can anyone confirm if this is a bug or a feature?

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Bob Hansen
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Post by Bob Hansen »

I haven't tried it, but just a thought:

What happens if you assign a key to LineLeft?
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Post by jamesog »

Same thing. Takes me to column 1 rather than the start of the text..
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Post by BriAnn »

It's a shame macros can't be assigned to keys. It seems fair to say that you'd know whether WordWrap was on. In that case, a macro (WordWrapOff,Home,WordWrapOn) would do it for you.

Added in edit: Here's what I'd do as a work around: Home followed by Ctrl-RightArrow, but I'm guessing you've already considered that. I agree. There's nothing more frustrating than being stuck with a repetitive task that a program could easily be doing for you. But, that's how programs evolve.

--BriAnn (still very new at this)
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Post by MudGuard »

It's a shame macros can't be assigned to keys.
This is not true.
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Post by BriAnn »

They can? I guess I solved it then!

Thanks. I've been looking for information about how to do that in the help file, without success. Can you tell me what entry I should be looking at?

Added in Edit: I see! I hadn't defined any permanent macros, yet. I just did now and it appears in the Macro list under Preferences/Keyboard and can be assigned to a key from there. As a newbie, I should've held my tongue. or said "If it's possible..." I'll be more careful next time.

Thanks for the correction!

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Post by MudGuard »

It works the same as any other key assignment.

Configure - Preferences - Keyboard.
Under Category, select (big surprise!): Macros

Under Command, select your macro

and then assign the key you want...
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