Text Editor for Mac OS comparable to TextPad?

General questions about using TextPad

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Text Editor for Mac OS comparable to TextPad?

Post by SteveH »

This is all a little off-topic but here goes...

I have the opportunity to do some work with Mac OS X and want to know is anyone can recommend a text editor with capabilities similar to TextPad (see, not that off-topic). I am not really looking for a complete software development system, just a capable text editor with a good graphical front end, great search and replace capabilities, the ability to create custom syntax highlighting etc.

I don't know enough about Mac-land yet to know of anything other than BareBones, Text Wrangler and Pepper.

I realise I could run VirtualPC and actually use TextPad but using another OS seems like a huge hammer to crack a small nut.


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Post by s_reynisson »

It's powerful, but I have yet to hear from anyone using it on OS X.
I'd sure like to hear from you here IF you try it out.
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Post by SteveH »

Tried Jedit on WinNT and wasn't very impressed with the overall useability.

My guess is that Text Wrangler is going to be my best option. I will miss the MDI though.

I've tried Pepper on Linux and there's a lot of good things there but it's just too quirky for my liking. I kinda like the BeOS heritage though as a old be user. The developer has a habit of throwing the toys from the pram from time to time though :wink:
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