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Forum question (as opposed to TextPad question)

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2003 3:44 pm
by Dcantor
What is the proper forum for talking about the features of this forum?

On the chance that it is here, I'll ask my question here. The moderator can move or it or whatever, if necessary.

When soliciting a vote, there are 5 current choices ranging from this is very important to me even if performance is impacted to this is really unimportant to me. I would like the ability to vote with "I don't like this idea" and "I really, really don't think this idea should be implemented."

Dave C.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 12:18 pm
by jeffy
Hi, dcantor.

The "official five option polls" and their relative rankings, here in our humble little Enhancement Suggestion forum, have nothing directly to do with TextPad folks. Just us TextPad-jazzed forum users.

As stated in the relative rankings thread, the five options can say anything:

Code: Select all

A "valid poll" is defined as "has five possible answers, ranked, from top to bottom, from most wanted to least wanted".
So if you create a suggestion post, create whatever five options you like, as long as they're "ranked from top to bottom, from most wanted to least wanted".

I'm just about to start a thread, to see what people think the best five option texts are. Please give us your input.

It's not if _I_ post; it's voting on others' proposals

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:11 pm
by Dcantor
Understood. Thank you.

The problem that I see is that the votes generally have vote selections that run from strongly in favor to strongly INDIFFERENT! With those choices, it's not possible to express (in the vote) OPPOSITION to the proposal.

Since the person who posts the proposal gets to pick the voting categories, and is almost assuredly in favor of their own proposal, I don't expect this to be solved.

When I'm opposed to something, I guess I'll have to actually write a response.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 1:29 pm
by jeffy
I see your point. My opinion is the "Unimportant, even if..." item is close to what you mean.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2003 2:32 pm
by heinvandenheuvel
So Dave... is this question about a 'this is a stupid idea, do not implement' choice button prompted by my VMS file format suggestion?


[for the innocent bystanders... Dave and VMS go way back]



Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2003 1:17 am
by Dcantor
Absolutely not, Hein. In fact, I haven't found your suggestion yet, but now I'll go look for it.

RMS on PC's. Yeah, that's what we need!

And for the innocent bystanders, Hein and VMS go back a long way, too.