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Add support for Perl5/JavaScript regular expressions

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2003 1:45 am
by csalsa
This is a re-post of an earlier poll earlier post that Jeffy reported as invalid. So I am posting again as for me this is one of two missing critical features of Textpad. I had asked the site admin to fix the previous poll, however, the previous poll can only be deleted and not fixed. So here it is...

I am a regular user of regular expressions

I would support added for support for Perl5/JavaScript regular expressions. Thus I can use regular expressions as they are given from books and web sites such as Regular Expression Library

For example, Perl5/JavaScript uses character classes:

\w Matches on any word character

\W Matches on any non-word character

\s Matches on any white-space character

\d Matches on any digit character

\D Matches on any non-digit character

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 2:50 am
by csalsa
An example showing that regular expressions will not be a hard feature to implement. :D

See the Code Project project Notepad RE (Regular Expressions)
Ben Hanson wrote:Search and Replace text in Notepad RE using Regular Expressions or normal mode. The editor supports drag and drop, file change notification and displays the line and column numbers. Unicode support.