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Automated Poll Questions

Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 8:30 am
by Bob Hansen
:idea: This is a first pass test of a routine to automatically fill in the "Standard" five poll questions.

I am providing all five "default" options, with the choice to change the wording, but still keep the five choices, intended to keep the most desired at the top.

This was executed by starting on the Home page for the forum.
Answered prompts for the Subject and the Question.
Accepted the five default options that were provided.

The routine then opens the web page, fills in the Subject, Question, and five options. Puts some "dummy" info into the Body of the topic, prompts with a completion message, and leaves you here to edit the Body.
Testing was done with WIN98 SE and MSIE 6.0

How does it sound so far :?: Comments/suggestions :?:

(No guarantee it will ever be completed) :oops: -<G>

Thanks for inputs, :arrow:

PS for Jeffy.....Do not include this poll in your statistics.....thanks