Bugs or am I blind?
Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2003 4:43 pm
It's Rafal Szyja (Poland) here
I'm using TextPad very actively (but I don't have money to buy it,
in case I'll have money I'll surely buy it! it's great!)
and I found hmm... say small bug: when you undock file view and clip library you will not be able to turn docking on util you edit
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Helios\TextPad 4\Docking\Control-Bar1]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Helios\TextPad 4\Docking\Control-Bar2]
I mean
must be changed manually to
that confused me then I tried to find this in options but I didn't found it so I started to dig the registry
how about adding an option to change this inside program?
or maybe I missed it in program?
and ... I'm sometimes programming in 6502 assmebler
then cross-compiling soft for this CPU on PC , in case
I'll do 6502 assembler doc class will you add it to Textapd installer?
all the best , keep up working that good,
It's Rafal Szyja (Poland) here
I'm using TextPad very actively (but I don't have money to buy it,
in case I'll have money I'll surely buy it! it's great!)
and I found hmm... say small bug: when you undock file view and clip library you will not be able to turn docking on util you edit
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Helios\TextPad 4\Docking\Control-Bar1]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Helios\TextPad 4\Docking\Control-Bar2]
I mean
must be changed manually to
that confused me then I tried to find this in options but I didn't found it so I started to dig the registry
how about adding an option to change this inside program?
or maybe I missed it in program?
and ... I'm sometimes programming in 6502 assmebler
then cross-compiling soft for this CPU on PC , in case
I'll do 6502 assembler doc class will you add it to Textapd installer?
all the best , keep up working that good,