The replace command does not search the entire document when I click "Find Next" on the pop up window. It only searches from the current location and below, but it does not ask me if I want to continue from the top either!
I could miss replacing a few items if I trust the "Find Next" button in the Replace pop up window.
Works fine (i.e. it wraps the file if needed) when I specify "Replace All" but I don't always want to do ALL since I may need to see each replacement to approve it or not.
Very thoughtlesss for such a great editor... I never noticed that because I always start my find next or replace next from the top of the document.. maybe you can try that
Find Next does not wrap when using Replace, so you can safely start at a particular point in the document and only make changes from there to the end. We'll consider making that user selectable, as with Find.