BUG? Search Text Length in XP/(2000?)

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BUG? Search Text Length in XP/(2000?)

Post by joshrodman »

This possible bug is present in both 4.5.0 and 4.7.0.

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Open a single instance of Textpad, with or without a document.
  2. Press Control-F5 or any other combination to initiate a search (Find in Files works without a document open, doesn't matter which folder is selected, nor what type of Regular Expression, if selected--without RegEx is also affected)
  3. Paste from the clipboard a 1065-character long search
  4. Press Find--the search will run.
  5. Add a character to the search for a total of 1066
  6. Press Find--a Windows XP close application dialog box will come up, "Textpad has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." proceeding to allow an error report to be generated.
  7. Repeat steps 1-4 with any search length of 1066-1175 characters, and the same crashing behavior will be exhibited.
  8. Repeat steps 1-4 with a search that is 1176 characters long, and the program will not even display that Windows Error, but will just exit, blankly, without any message. No settings will be displayed, nor any prompt from Windows.
This is a bug because either the system should not allow a the search box to exceed physical limits of processing, or a graceful error message should be displayed.

  • Windows XP Professional fully updated July 27, 2003.
  • 768MB RAM
  • Plenty of hard drive free space.
Error no matter which type of search is selected, no matter what the search is (RegEx or not), and no matter if the search includes non-alphanumeric characters--this error occurs.

Will someone please verify for me that this is reproducible? It would be useful to know if it affects Windows 2000, also.
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