One Large Paragraph

General questions about using TextPad

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Tommy Sessions
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Jun 04, 2003 7:14 pm
Location: Pollok TX

One Large Paragraph

Post by Tommy Sessions »

:cry: I'm trying to get my table of contents link to link to the article on
the same page. I copied the article text into MS Front Page and set up a
page. Then I copied/pasted that article to TP and saved it as "you have a
flat.html" without quotes. When I made my hyperlink and clicked on it,
WOW! I had one LARGE paragraph. :x
I've noticed anytime I copy/past anything into TP I have to go through each sentence and
straighten it out because
it does like this. Do any of you have any suggestions.
Now, I use the wrap...I thought that was what it was for. I've been told to
hit Enter, but I don't have a "bell" on this keyboard like I did on my typewriter. :lol:
If you say I have to hit enter, then I'll forget about the wrap and hit enter. :wink:
But the large paragraph :cry: :?:
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