Textpad for Notepad again

General questions about using TextPad

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Textpad for Notepad again

Post by mo »

I just ran system file checker and did some updating on my w2k box and now I am back to getting Notepad when I use "view source" (and I presume elsewhere where Notepad is called). I ran the txplink 2000 script, but that did not correct the matter. Can anyone run me through the manual setup again?
Best Wishes!
Mike Olds

Post by Guest »

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Post by mo »

Thanks guest,

I had to do an additional step because Notepad.exe was in three places:


Obsession is a terrible thing! :wink:
Best Wishes!
Mike Olds

Post by Guest »

I understand you!
My win install is not complete until I've gone to
www.notepad-replacements.com... 8)
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Post by mo »

There is something not right about this...ever since switching out Notepad by this method my settings have been getting messed up in various ways.

This morning I lost syntax highlighting
First time out half my macros were gone and all of them had had their keystroke shortcuts changed.
The Clibboard opens to a different book than when closed.
Such things.

This had not happened previously when I did a change like this. Maybe something in the latest w2k patches?
Best Wishes!
Mike Olds

Post by Guest »

did you just install 4.6.x over an older version of TP?
sure sounds like it, anyway, I lost all my settings when
I did just that.
also, the syntax highlighting goes when this happens.
see the top note on this forum (sticky-note?)
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Post by z-man »

I found it. For some reason when you use
http://www.notepad-replacements.com you are calling a different instance of notepad. So you lose system settings, syntax highlighting and such.

But I found a fix for this. I use the txplink2000 since I have XP and I extract it and make a copy of it. Then rename the copy to notepad.exe. Then follow the instructions on www.notepad-replacements.com for replacing notepad on instead of using a copy of the textpad.exe your using the renamed copy of txplink.exe.

Having done this whenever a call to notepad is made instead of running different version of the app the link file points back to your primary copy and you get all your settings everytime.

Hope this helps. :D
Tommy Sessions
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Post by Tommy Sessions »

I just joined this thread today. I wanted to know why a template I have for an article each week has turned into NotePad. I installed TextPad about a month ago. I remade the template for the Flivver article. I only use it once in awhile. When I went to it this morning I noticed it was NotePad.
I dont know about macros or syntax highlighting, ect. but I followed the instructions Guest had for us here to completely eleminate NotePad. Everything went well until I got to the place where I was supposed to paste notepad in dll/catche. A window came up and said it was already in there. So I went on. But I went to my template again just now, still Notepad.
Should I just live with this since I'm not familiar with all the other techies?
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Post by mo »

Well I finally solved this issue for me by just using the TPlink on:
Best Wishes!
Mike Olds
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