Feature Request

General questions about using TextPad

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Feature Request

Post by rsamson »

The one thing that would make textpad perfect for me is the to have a directory tree within the workspace to pick files from for opening. HomeSite, and Quanta on linux both have this. I'm sure others do as well.

my humble opinion
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Post by zridling »

I like that idea, esp. if it has a filter so that the file tree only lets me see what's filtered, i.e., .txt and .htm/.xml files and not Excel and picture files.

not for me, thanks

Post by Guest »

If a treeview is added, I would hope its display would be optional.
I'm glad it is NOT there, within TextPad, occupying screen real estate which could be better utilized otherwise.

Performing file selection & seeing a treeview in Windows Explorer
then drag/drop selected files onto a non-maximized TextPad window
works fine for me.
For filtering (filtered file selection) use the FileFind (F3 key) in Windows Explorer... and drag

Actually, I'm in the habit of using TextPad for searches
( Search-}FindInFiles )
v/s the Find feature in Windows Explorer.
This allows you to click the result lines and jump right to the edit point in each of the target files.
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Re: Feature Request

Post by jeffy »

There is a new enhancement request forum where you should post this request. Make sure it's not already there.

Post by JohnB »

I definitely think this is a useful idea, esp. when used as a file filter. Crimson Editor has perhaps the best implementation of this feature (crimsoneditor.com). A better question is: Why not?
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