Unicode file editing

General questions about using TextPad

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Denis Gervalle

Unicode file editing

Post by Denis Gervalle »


The textpad specifications claims that Unicode (UTF-8 and UCS-2) file can be edited. Reading the help file, I have noted that Textpad use the font script set for the current document class during file edition.
Since the font script drop-down list only provide access to Windows scripts, the Unicode script could not be selected even in a large font like 'Arial Unicode MS'. So, I cannot conceive how a Unicode file could be edited using Textpad.
Textpad is only able to edit localised file using Unicode encoding. It seems impossible to edit a full Unicode file with Textpad.
As I am working on multilingual HTML file coded in UTF-8, I am not able to use my favorite editor anymore :cry:
I am working on Windows XP and 2000, any suggestion about a full Unicode compliant editor, that is Textpad like and to be used waiting for a Textpad fix, will be appreciated.

Denis Gervalle

hear hear!

Post by dburry »

I totally agree... I find it extremely infuriating that I have to keep going back to vi to make some minor edits to a UTF-8 file that has multiple languages in it.... For a powerful program like textpad you'd think it would at least have some of the basic features of vi like preserving the file contents as it was originally (duh), including through cutting and pasting, even if it can't understand it or display it properly.

Of course, ideally it should integrate with the windows input system so you can actually EDIT multiple languages in one file too, but that's probably asking too much since the first thing hasn't been done for so many years...

The world is becoming more and more internationalized, does anyone know of a good multi-lingual-capable-in-one-file UTF-8 editor? If it had even a small fraction of the features of textpad I might switch for at least all of my multi lingual files....

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similar unicode edit problem

Post by devdanke »

When opening an XML file created by Word 2003, I get this message:
'WARNING: "foo.xml" contains characters that do not exist in code page 1252 (ANSI - Latin I). They will be converted to the system default character, if you click OK.' If I click OK the file is openning, but some of the original characters in the file turn into black rectangles. If I click Cancel, I get the error 'An unknown error occured while accessing C:\foo.xml.'

My computer is a Dell 8200 Inspiron with 384 Mb RAM, P4 1.6 GHz running TextPad 4.5.0 on WinXP Home with SP1.

Does anyone know of a work around to this problem, either within TextPad or by changing a Windows setting?


P.S. TextPad is a great program.
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Post by MudGuard »

See answer in other thread...
Marek Binkowski
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Post by Marek Binkowski »

click OK to see the corrupted document, then close it (but not TextPad), and then open it again, choosing from recent files in File menu
Marek Binkowski
Marek Binkowski
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Post by Marek Binkowski »

Hey, I just found a solution to my problem!

I just changed the font for my UTF-8 class form "Courier" to "Courier New".

Now my XML UTF-8 documents with polish letters open without that message about conversion :-)
Marek Binkowski
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