Multiple hot spots in clip files

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Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen

Multiple hot spots in clip files

Post by Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen »

According to the help file, the hot spot ( \^ )
will be replaced by the current selection on the screen.
But if you have 2 or more hot spots in the same clipping,
only the first hot spot is replaced.
How can I (or is it even possible) get all the hot spots replaced?

med venlig hilsen / best regards
Henrik Skafsgaard Larsen

Re: Multiple hot spots in clip files

Post by Andreas »

This is not yet possible. I requested this feature many months ago and got the answer that it will be considered for a future version...
Matt West

Clip Library enhancement (Re: Multiple hot spots in clip fil

Post by Matt West »

I've sent this enhancement request in because I'd love to see this too. What do you think ?....

I would love to see you [Textpad dev team] develop the Clip Library functionality.
At the moment, its limited to just *one* instance of *one* "hot spot", so your dialog box is a straight-forward 'before and after' affair.

I think this would be improved by allowing the hot spot to appear in the library any number of times. For example, this would be ideal for a "new class" clip: the hot spot could be used for the class name, javadoc-style comments, and for constructor methods.
Also, this mechanism could be used in a "blank HTML" clip: the hot spot could be used for the title tag, meta descriptions, and heading.

A further idea may be to allow several different hot spots in each clip, hence making the clip fully "parameterized". So instead of a "\^" appearing once in each clip in the .TCL files, you could have several "\^1", "\^2". In fact, you could code the .TCL files like this:

!TEXT= Blank HTML Page ^
!PARAMETER= Short description
!PARAMETER= Long description

<meta name="description" content="\^2">

At the moment, the user has some text selected which they want to be the hot spot, then they double-click the clip name in the Clip Library view.
For the above improvement, you need to know what the user parameters will be. How about bringing up a simple (dynamically generated) dialog box prompting for the params ?

Thanks for an excellent product. I'll post this to the forums to see what others think.
Matt West.

Re: Clip Library enhancement (Re: Multiple hot spots in clip

Post by Andreas »

Another fine thing would be \^t, \^T, \^d and \^D for time and date in short and long format
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Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2006 6:14 am
Location: Australia

Re: Multiple hot spots in clip files

Post by neilbl »

A pity that nothing has come of this. There are times when just the simple ability to put the hot spot in twice would be a real boon. (I can normally crank up a regular expression to do what I want, but that requires brain power!)
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