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Hanging Indent - Possible?

Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2001 11:45 pm
by Roy Beatty
I often find myself wishing for a hanging indent option. Creating a text glossary, for example. A typical format (sample taken from

data mining; Data mining is the analysis of data for relationships that have not previously been discovered. For example, the sales records for a particular brand of tennis racket might, if sufficiently analyzed and related to other market data, reveal a seasonal correlation with the purchase by the same parties of golf equipment.

I'd like to view it in TextPad like this (the phorumware forces me to tag the text for clarity):

data mining <\t> Data mining is the analysis of data for <br>
<\t>relationships that have not previously been discovered. <br>
<\t>For example, the sales records for a particular brand <br>

Ideally, i would be able to specify by how many tabs I want to indent subsequent wrapped lines.

Is the feature there, I just don't know it?



Re: Hanging Indent - Possible?

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2001 6:20 am
by Randall McDougall
It's not really there ... when I've wanted to do similar things the closest solution was to turn the maintain-indent on and then hard break at the end of the first line, manually indenting the second ... subsequent lines will maintain that, but it can be a nuisance if your line length needs to change by very much ...

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 6:08 pm
by Zhiroc
Rather than start a new thread, might as well reuse this very old one.

I too would love to see a hanging indent feature. Alternatively, or in addition, I'd love to see text double-spaced on a hard return.

The reason is that without either, it's really hard to tell the difference between a line that was word-wrapped, and one after a hard return.

In conjunction, I'd like to be able to specify the wrap column. Basing it on window width is too random, and if I need to convert to hard returns, I don't want to fiddle with the window to get it just right.