SOLVED: Preventing (re-) "Save Workspace" on exit

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SOLVED: Preventing (re-) "Save Workspace" on exit

Post by FanSince2001 »

I've recently put textpad on a new (Win (expeletive) 10) pc.

I've only just noticed that it (Textpad) saves the workspace every time I exit. I hadn't noticed it did this to me on the past! (But find now that this IS what it does, at least on XP/ Textpad 5.0.3 and Win10/ Textpad 8.1.2) this may explain some puzzles that annoyed me!)

I can see how to make LOADING the workspace automatic on START (and how to turn that off).

IS Textpad saving my workspace when I exit?

How can I turn that off, please?

(Seems a "stupid question", but I've been round and round the menus, AND done Google and forum searches!)
Last edited by FanSince2001 on Mon May 15, 2017 4:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ben_josephs »

Yes, TextPad saves your workspace when you exit.

To preserve your workspace in its original state, close it explicitly:
File | Workspace | Close
TextPad will ask: "Do you want to save changes to the workspace?". Say No.
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