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"Open with Textpad" with single instance

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:24 pm
by jakshin
First, thanks for Textpad! I use it every day, nearly all day, and it's been my Windows editor of choice for at least a decade now. You guys are awesome.

The recent change to the "Open with Textpad" context menu in v7.5 has thrown me a little off my game, though. I keep the "Allow multiple instances to run" setting turned off, and I'm very accustomed to right-clicking files to open them in Textpad. Now I generally need to right click, hover over "Open in existing Textpad session", and choose the single session I have open in order to do so.

It's not a deal-killer, obviously, but it slows me down and feels like a hassle. And I think a fix would be pretty easy.

Basically, if I had my druthers, if "Allow multiple instances to run" is unchecked, I think "Open in Textpad" should be the only context menu item, and it should open the file in the running session if there is one, or start a new session if not. If "Allow multiple instances to run" is checked, the context menu can continue working exactly like it does now - it makes perfect sense with that setting on.

I realize there's a small corner case if somebody has opened multiple instances, then unchecks the "Allow multiple instances to run" checkbox, but I think just opening the file in any running instance would be alright for that case.

Alternate suggestions which would also make me happy:
  • If there's only one instance running, and/or "Allow multiple instances to run" is unchecked, make the "Open in existing Textpad session" menu item a clickable entry instead of a submenu.
  • If "Allow multiple instances to run" is unchecked, and Textpad is already running, make "Open in Textpad" use that session, instead of starting a new one (I'd then just ignore the "Open in existing Textpad session" submenu).
Finally, a related support-ish question: is there any way to restore the older context-menu behavior while this suggestion is under consideration? Like, can I change some registry entries or replace a DLL, something along those lines, in order to revert to previous behavior?


Me too!

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 1:40 am
by erikbailey
I registered for the forums specifically to follow up with a "me too" on this. I could have basically written the above, verbatim. I too would like an update to revert the right-click behavior back to everything opening in a single instance. Thanks... --Erik Bailey

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 4:03 pm
by terrypin
Just lost several hours of work due to this!

Not for the first time (after a couple of decades of familiarity with the previous context menu) I inadvertently opened a file in a new instance. But this time, when I realised it hours later, I mistakenly closed the wrong one ;-(

At best can you revert to the simple single option of 'Open in TextPad', respecting whatever setting about instances is in place. Or at least change it to 'Open in a new instance of TextPad'.

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:00 pm
by nm
Also driving me crazy. I'm thinking i'll just go find a old version until this is fixed.

I don't want to see "Open with Textpad" and "Open in existing Textpad session >" everywhere when "Allow multiple instances to run" is unchecked.

Also, I have had multiple instances open up. not sure under what circumstances it's happening exactly but it does keep happening.

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2015 3:52 pm
by mroshaw
Also driving me bananas!

I too am uninstalling and reverting to an old version until this is removed - what a horrible feature!

TextPad 7.6 fixes this!

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 1:05 pm
by erikbailey
Hi all - I just installed the new 7.6 update, and I'm pleased to report that "Open With TextPad" now will correctly re-use an existing instance. HOORAY! :) --Erik

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 2:25 am
by jakshin
Huzzah! In TextPad 7.6, with "Allow multiple instances to run" unchecked, the "Open with TextPad" context-menu item re-uses a running instance. Thanks, Helios, for fixing this! :)

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:20 pm
by mroshaw
jakshin wrote:Huzzah! In TextPad 7.6, with "Allow multiple instances to run" unchecked, the "Open with TextPad" context-menu item re-uses a running instance
I have installed TextPad 7.6.2 (64-bit) and still have this problem. I've done a full uninstall and re-install, in case there was an issue with the registry settings that provide the contextual menu items.

I don't think I'm doing anything untoward, here:

1. Right click a .txt file and select 'Open with TextPad'. An initial instance is launched, as expected
2. Right click another .txt file and select 'Open with TextPad'. A second instance is launched. NOT what I expected.

I've checked "Configure > Preferences... > General > Allow multiple instances" to run and it's UNCHECKED.

Am I doing something wrong?

This 'feature' is absolutely driving me nuts as I have to hunt through dozens of running instances to find the documents that I'm working on!

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 2:27 pm
by mroshaw
mroshaw wrote:I have installed TextPad 7.6.2 (64-bit)
Just tried with 7.6.2 (32-bit) and it's working! WOOP!