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TextPad crashes silently and leaving the file locked!

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 6:08 pm
by screenmates
Hello TextPad Team,

I found an annoying issue on TextPad 6.1.3 and Windows 7.

When I open a txt file and start working on it, switch to other applications, etc - TextPad vanishes (crashes) without any warning! What's worse, it leaves TextPad in memory as a process and locks the file that was open. When I relaunch TextPad and re-open the txt file, it opens another instance with the file in locked state. Even if I do Configure > Read Only to unlock the file, it does not let me edit the file. The only way to get around this is to terminate all TextPad processes from the task manager and restart TextPad which still opens the file in Read Only mode but this time I can unlock it.

This is annoying that it crashes without any warning, leaving the process open and the file locked and requiring me to kill the process every FEW MINUTES and restart TP, re-open file and unlock it.

Please fix this bug and let me know.
