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Wildedit and Word files

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 12:30 pm
by Nakraton
I´m new and have some trouble using Wildedit on Wordfiles.
As long as i replace numbers only everything works fine. As soon as i edit letters my word file gets corrupted and word cannot open the file anymore. Ist it possible to edit word files and how do i preserve the file. What may be the reason for my fail?

Thanks for any ideas in advance

Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2012 1:20 pm
by ben_josephs
By "Wordfiles" do you mean "MS Word files"?

If so, I am guessing that you mean .doc files, produced by versions of Word earlier than 2007. (Word 2007 and 2010 produce .docx files, which are in zip compressed format.)

.doc files are binary files, not text files, and they have a complex internal structure. You cannot edit them with a text editor.