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Novice: more basic questions

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:51 am
by terrypin
I bought WE a couple of weeks ago but for various reasons am only now trying to use it in earnest.

Am I missing something, or is help very thin on the really basic things?

The only example I could find on how to use the program was " to convert all HTML tags to lower case, in all HTML files in the IIS root folder and all its subfolders." So could someone step me through exactly what I do for the following much simpler example please. Not just the RegEx but the WildEdit steps, after opening the program.

I simply want to operate on a single TXT file, not a folder. Is that the lowest level that WE will let me browse to? Why not down to a file? Must I treat it as a 'Test' file to achieve that?

Anyway, then I want to do something I cannot do with my otherwise excellent TextPad, namely delete duplicate lines in the file.


Line 1
Line 1
Line 1 differs
Line 2
Line 2
Line 3

should become

Line 1
Line 1 differs
Line 2
Line 3


Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:24 am
by ben_josephs
Search for: ^(.*)\r\n\1$
[X] Regular expression
[ ] "." matches end of line characters [i.e., not selected]

Replace with: $1
[ ] Literal replacement [i.e., not selected]

File filters:
Include: your_file.txt

Replacement format syntax
[X] Perl
[X] Extended

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:11 am
by terrypin
Many thanks for that very quick response, Ben.

I had managed to do it just a few minutes earlier after googling to this example:

So I used
Find ^(.*)(\r?\n\1)+$
Replace with \1

But I couldn't at first understand why it wasn't working. I'd changed the default in Options to use POSIX Extended, as shown here:


I'm floundering a bit here. (I'm not a programmer or scripter, just a veteran end user.) Do I have to manually change options in both the Syntax and the Replacement sections? I see you're saying that your RegEx work with POSIX Extended (as well as PERL), so I'll try that variation shortly.

Thanks for that pointer on specifying a target file. I'd resorted to placing it in a subfolder! Is there a solid rationale for WE implementing it in this way, rather than simply allowing the file to be selected in the Browse pane?

Finally (well, for now!) am I right that the file shown in the 'Test' pane at the bottom is not affected by whatever folder is selected?

Terry, East Grinstead, UK

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:31 am
by ben_josephs
Forget the TextPad style of regular expressions when working with other tools.

You need $1 in the replacement, not \1.

The regex you found is more general than mine in two respects: it allows for Unix as well as Windows line endings, and it reduces any number of adjacent identical lines (not just two of them, as in your original request) to a single line.

I don't know why WildEdit is at it is, or the details of its operation. I don't use it.