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Configure: Delimiter Select Mode

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 5:44 pm
by jisom123
Block Select mode is great, but I'd like to be able to force "Block select mode" anchor to the "nearest Delimited column#", instead of column#.

Highlighting would extend to the immediate left and right of the current (X,Y) Coord of MOUSECLICKDOWN. until it hit a delimiter in current row.

(the Delimiter could be specified elsewhere, comma, Pipe, semicolon, RE...)

As you select text via Dragging the mouse, or CTRL+SHIFT+PGDN, The Highlighted text would only encompass data between nth and n+1th delimiter.

It would need to anchor by delimiter_count from left of course, not from the current X,Y coord, as you continue to select text. Otherwise it would cling to the closest delimiters, regardless of what delimited column# you were on.

Thanks in advance.