As you can see below in an SQL script execution log, i have no use with bookmarking and copying the error line itself. I actually need the commands which errored out which appears in the 3rd line prior to the error message.
SQL > alter table FIN_RT1.ITEM_MASTER_UPLOAD modify (DIVISION_CODE_C_C varchar2(30));
Table altered.
SQL > alter table FIN_RT1.ITEM_MASTER_UPLOAD_INT modify (DIVISION_CODE_C_C varchar2(30));
Table altered.
SQL > alter table FIN_RT1.SKU_COM_EMPCATEGORY modify (CATEGORY_TYPE_C varchar2(30));
alter table FIN_RT1.SKU_COM_EMPCATEGORY modify (CATEGORY_TYPE_C varchar2(30))
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype
SQL > alter table WM_2006.SKU_COM_EMPCATEGORY modify (CATEGORY_TYPE_C varchar2(30));
alter table WM_2009.SKU_COM_EMPCATEGORY modify (CATEGORY_TYPE_C varchar2(30))
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01439: column to be modified must be empty to change datatype
SQL > alter table FIN_RT1.ITEM_MASTER_STP modify (DIVISION_CODE_C_C varchar2(30));
Table altered.
Yes there is a way to do what you what using the "find/replace" function and regular expressions.
In the find dialogue enter the line you what to find.
In the replace dialogue enter the text lines you want and do "replace all" with "regular expression" ticked.
to generate the replace dialogue:
create a new document and type in the lines you want inserted above the "error at line 1" text and including the "error at line 1".
copy all this text into the clipboard and go to the document you want to edit and paste the clipboard contents into the "replace dialogue".