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Linux Port: could well be worth the effort

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 11:43 pm
by twcamper
I've used and loved TP for years, most recently for scripting non-trivial functional tests in Ruby.

Earlier this year I left winXP behind for Ubuntu, and my only regret is that there seems to be no text editor (I can't bring myself to embrace the bloat of full-on IDE) available that combines the utility and reliability of TP. I've gotten pretty good at VIM (a strange universe unto itself!), but still there are things that should be simple which aren't (batch renaming across files, for example).

I've tried Kate, Bluefish, gEdit, and they're all either missing features or buggy. TextPad under wine didn't do it for me either, because of something about wine on Ubuntu (jaunty) leaves the CTRL- sequences inoperable, without which TP is useless to me.

I realize a port of TextPad would be neither trivial nor cheap, but it would kill anything out there. Text Editor people would love you forever and you would sell seats. How many I can't really say, but it would definitely sell.

Anyway, I miss you TextPad! You rock!

Linux, c sharp, mono

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:27 pm
by tbiggs
Microsoft now pushes C Sharp and .NET. Rewriting Textpad using C Sharp would make it more future proof and potentially open it up to more capabilities offered with the advanced tools

And with other operating systems like Linux and OSX having .NET compatible Mono, this would open up Textpad to being cross-platform, making it even more popular.

It sounds too good to be true, so it will probably never happen. Too bad!