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A macro that calls a series of macro's

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:59 am
by Wannes
I'm using find/replace macro's a lot, i.e. for converting database output wich is uppercase only to (accented) sentence case.
To improve on a given macro, I have to start a new one.
It would be a major timesaver if one could define a "master" macro that would start a list of existing macro's, in a given sequence.

The possibility to edit existing macro's would of course be another solution for the same problem, but maybe is more difficult to implement?

Macro's in sequence: this already exists ???

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:20 am
by Wannes
Bob Hansen wrote:1. You can create macros in TextPad to call other macros. So, make one macro that calls all nine in proper sequence?

Can you? I can't and there's nothing about this in the HELP-file as far as I can see. How is it done ???

P.S. I retried this today, now it works. Don't know why, but it certainly is a real time saver & thanks for the advice.

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 7:46 pm
by paleolith
OK, I know I'm following up to an old thread. But since it appears that the feature is NYI, it's still current to me.

The important thing to me is to be able to modify a macro -- fix a step that isn't working right, delete a step, and particularly add steps.

The rest would be nice but my "important" vote is based on the need to modify.
