Tool Output in the Document Selector

General questions about using TextPad

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Post by bradwood »

I prefer the new pinnable windows, but I think they need to work like Visual Studio's.
I run a tool, the focus is in the Tool Output window; very good. Now I need to place focus back in my document window. Escape or tab or something should do this. Then if my window is pinned (auto-hide), it will disappear as I would expect.
As it is now (5.0.3), I have to alt+tab to another window and back.
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Search Reuslts

Post by athlon »

Please please reinstate the search results opening as a document (which looks like a regular document except that it defaults to read only and has hyperlinks to files) functionality. It worked so well for me in version 4, and now I must downgrade because searching was my most used feature, other than actual coding :-)

My job involves going through a large app, which means I often need to locate a variable or function among the entire system to see when and how it gets used.

For this, I need an entire screen's worth of search results to easily identify the matches of interest, and also so I can easily switch back and forth between a full screen of search results and the file I'm working in.

The version 5 search feature shows too little at a time. If I expanded it as docked, I lose coding real estate. If I expanded it as undocked, I can't see anything else. Please give back the version 4's search results format!
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Re: Search Reuslts

Post by bblackmoor »

athlon wrote:Please please reinstate the search results opening as a document (which looks like a regular document except that it defaults to read only and has hyperlinks to files) functionality. It worked so well for me in version 4, and now I must downgrade because searching was my most used feature, other than actual coding :-)
This describes me, as well. I am removing 5 and re-installing 4.
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Re: Search Reuslts

Post by PFSchaffner »

bblackmoor wrote:
athlon wrote:Please please reinstate the search results opening as a document
I have to agree with this. In fact, of the UI changes, only one (resizable search/replace window) represented an improvement for me. I have no need of an explorer pane (that's what Explorer is for), and find the pinnable/dockable windows annoying at best. I supervise four workgroups (in four countries!) for whom TP is the primary tool and primary working environment, all day every day, turning out gigabytes of SGML-encoded text, and doing thousands of (mostly regexp) searches. So the changes in search window behavior strike directly at productivity. Between the UI changes and some bugginess, I have advised my staff to stick to 4.73. For our XML/UTF-8 work, of course, TextPad has never been suitable and has not become so yet.

I have a feeling that 4.73 is going to be the 'classic' version that many of us will keep using for a long time; and that 5.0 (rewritten, as I understand it, for the .NET platform) is the beginning of what is effectively a new program. Just a feeling. When and if the new program offers Unicode support (and yes, I understand how complex a problem that is), we'd be glad to abandon the (simple-minded) UTF-8 editors and (overly complex) XML editors we're using now. And maybe then we'd abandon TP4 too. But for the moment, we're sticking with the old version and watching developments with hope and interest.
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Post by grk »

And here I thought is was that I just couldn't find the right menu item to turn these off.

I don't want to have these extras open all the time. They are easy enough to turn off, but it's annoying to have to do this every time I start up. Why can't the default startup view be the same as the last time I shut down, with these windows either not open, or at least in auto-hide mode?

It works that way with, for example, line numbers.
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Post by SLerman »

Count me in as well. I liked Textpad because it was a simple editor that didn't try to be a massive IDE. Now it looks more like Visual Studio, which makes it harder to use as a plain text editor. My two biggest problems so far are 1) as everyone else has mentioned, the tools/search output being sent to a small pane that's harder to work with than a full-size document, and 2) the file tabs; we already have the document list on the side, so we don't need them listed again, especially since the tabs are in an effectively arbitrary order, it's harder to find a file when you have many files open than it is with the alphabetical document list. I think I'll switch back to 4.7.3 for now and see what happens with future 5.x releases.
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Post by harpshot »

Wish I'd read this topic first instead of installing 5.03 and spending 2 hours trying to figure out how to capture output like 4.73. There's probably a way to send the output to a file and automatically open it, but I'm also not finding anything I can do with 5.03 that I couldn't with 4.73. Frankly, my only issue with 4.73 was cursor line highlighting doesn't highlight the whole line if line wrapping is on. Other editors (i.e. NotePad++, SciTE) have no problem highlighting wrapped lines. C'est la vie, back to 4.73 for me!
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