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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:45 am
by elric
[rwm], I could not agree with you more. I've been using TP for more than 5 years now on pretty much a daily basis. I love it. However, I am getting frustrated with the lack of input from Helios regarding the future of TP.
I'd like to know! At this point, I am pretty much sticking with windows just for the sake of TP (at home and work)!
If this is the end, then the sooner I (we) know, the better. Sadly, it might be time to move on. :cry:

XML Validation

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:26 pm
by rmassart
XML validation functionality would be fantastic. I use Architag at the moment, but it is very cumbersome in comparison to Textpad.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:42 pm
by Jumbo
1583 View since Jan 05, 2004 (more than 1 year ago!) and no sign of reaction from Helios - Sorry, there is no execuse :(

For me personally, i am sure, Textpad development is definitively death!!! I lost my hope in it.
I am going to buy UltraEdit 11.0 instead of sitting here for life to wait the moon...

Being disappointed and Bye.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:11 am
by vr8ce
Jumbo wrote:1583 View since Jan 05, 2004 (more than 1 year ago!) and no sign of reaction from Helios - Sorry, there is no execuse :(

For me personally, i am sure, Textpad development is definitively death!!! I lost my hope in it.
I am going to buy UltraEdit 11.0 instead of sitting here for life to wait the moon...

Being disappointed and Bye.
Yes, Helios' lack of response says all there is to say: what we see in 4.7.3 is likely all we'll ever see.

Unfortunately, UE isn't the answer, either. I registered both two or three years ago, and used UE almost exclusively until I could no longer stand its regex bugs. I ran into a new one every week, and the few I reported (didn't have time to report everyone I ran into) Ian showed little desire to fix. Finally decided I was losing more time than it was worth.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:18 am
by daddyone
vr8ce wrote:
Jumbo wrote:Unfortunately, UE isn't the answer, either.
Well, just as an experiment I recently asked the UE forums about my most wanted feature in TP ( and I still get no answers from them.

So I'll be loyal to my beloved TextPad for long time in the future I think. No matter ther will be no new versions.


Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:24 am
by Defenestration
I don't know how many registered users of TextPad there are, but I would suggest that Helios switch to a 30 day trial version instead of the unlimited trial (ie. trust the user to register after 30 days).

While all forms of protection are crackable, this would force most people to register if they like to use TP, and bring in more revenue for Helios. This increased revenue would inspire them to develop TP further.

Open Source

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:21 pm
by luegner
Helios, if you're not going to release another version, at least give it a fighting chance and set it free. The open source community would be more than willing in picking it up.

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:35 pm
by elric
Heck, Helios, show some signs of life, for starters!

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2005 7:58 am
by bveldkamp
It seems there will at least be another maintenance release: ... 2636#12636

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:42 am
by SteveH
I think you need to remember that there have been three releases (4.7.1 - 4.7.3) since that posting in August 2003.



Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:47 am
by bveldkamp
Whoops, I only looked at the date of the last message :oops:

Posted: Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:57 pm
by dixonc
Does this thread need to be renamed to: TextPad 5.0 - Should we expect? :wink:

Helios do seem to be active in helping people on the other forums - can we just have some sort of statement saying what's happening as the continued silence seems to be doing more harm than good!