Page 2 of 6
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2003 5:19 pm
by jeffy
...drum roll, please...
Sunday, 8 June 2003
Code: Select all
MV RNK ID {5 4 3 2 1 } TOT WT AVG VOTE
000 1 3775 {29 6 1 0 1 } 37 62 4.675 Editable Macros
000 2 3764 {15 13 3 2 1 } 34 39 4.147 Expand/Collapse blocks of text
000 3 3773 {12 7 4 0 0 } 23 31 4.347 Additional attributes for syntax high...
++1 4 3787 {10 9 3 0 1 } 23 27 4.173 Show matching brackets
--1 5 3836 {8 7 3 2 0 } 20 21 4.05 Flexible 'alignment' function
000 6 3777 {9 8 6 3 1 } 27 21 3.777 Syntax highlight for embedded languages
++3 7 3890 {6 6 1 0 0 } 13 18 4.384 Larger fields for Search/Replace
000 8 3858 {6 7 2 0 1 } 16 17 4.062 Dockable Command Results and Search R...
--2 9 3765 {3 14 5 3 0 } 25 17 3.68 Coloured active line
--1 10 3799 {6 2 2 0 0 } 10 14 4.4 Macro recording on-the-fly text
++1 11 3785 {5 6 3 5 0 } 19 11 3.578 Reload and reapply syntax definition
--1 12 3782 {2 5 4 0 0 } 11 9 3.818 Macros that don't change selection an...
++2 13 3817 {4 4 8 3 0 } 19 9 3.473 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
++4 14 3866 {3 5 4 4 0 } 16 7 3.437 Friendlier Tab-Stops
--2 15 3822 {3 5 7 2 1 } 18 7 3.388 Keyboard Shortcut Map
++3 16 3780 {2 7 0 3 1 } 13 6 3.461 Scoping most configuration to Documen...
--3 17 3783 {3 4 5 0 2 } 14 6 3.428 Add a small amount of dynamics to cli...
++5 18 3855 {2 6 5 2 1 } 16 6 3.375 An output window tab for each user de...
--3 19 3779 {2 1 2 0 0 } 5 5 4.0 Workgroup features -- Color settings
--3 20 3843 {2 3 6 2 0 } 13 5 3.384 Scripted Regular Expressions
++3 21 3854 {1 8 4 3 1 } 17 5 3.294 Ability to change icons of user defin...
--2 22 3807 {3 2 5 0 2 } 12 4 3.333 www ip address and root folder saved ...
++6 23 3846 {3 3 4 3 1 } 14 4 3.285 Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
--3 24 3888 {1 3 1 2 0 } 7 3 3.428 Increase Limit of File Name Filters -...
--3 25 3786 {2 3 4 2 1 } 12 3 3.25 Temporarily associate doc to another ...
++1 26 3856 {0 5 3 3 0 } 11 2 3.181 User-defined Hyperlinks
--1 27 3794 {1 3 6 1 1 } 12 2 3.166 Preferences->File->Keep files locked ...
000 28 3781 {1 5 4 1 2 } 13 2 3.153 Auto-save empty workspaces
++1 29 3784 {2 6 2 4 2 } 16 2 3.125 Three command keys
++1 30 3872 {1 5 5 3 2 } 16 0 3.0 Customize the right-click menu
++2 31 3767 {6 2 4 7 4 } 23 -1 2.956 Explorer-style Navigator
*** 32 3933 {1 1 1 2 1 } 6 -1 2.833 Method List for Current File
++1 33 3844 {2 1 4 3 2 } 12 -2 2.833 Clipboard Tool Parameter
--2 34 3902 {1 3 1 4 2 } 11 -3 2.727 Enhanced Backup
-10 35 3909 {1 2 3 1 3 } 10 -3 2.7 View horiz scrollbar only when word w...
*** 36 3934 {1 1 0 2 2 } 6 -3 2.5 Refactor Tool Support
--2 37 3766 {2 4 2 9 2 } 19 -5 2.736 Vertical Split - looped scrolli
--2 38 3792 {1 1 4 2 3 } 11 -5 2.545 word wrap
{162 183 131 83 41 } 600 342 3.57
Date which movement is being compared against: Sunday, 1 June 2003
(539 total votes at that time)
The total votes of ALL polls (at the bottom, below the "------------") was being computed incorrectly It's fixed. Last week, the total number of votes was 539, not 682.
To davegr and CJ: I know that honest mistakes caused your invalid polls, but it's just too much time to make the ranking-generator code robust enough to handle these types of errors. If you're interested in having them in next week's ranking, please recreate your post.
Sorry. :' (
Here's the latest exclusionary list:
Code: Select all
Not a TextPad feature suggestion
3762 You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
3769 Consider a poll...
3811 Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
3832 Show polls not voted on yet.
3935 Shorter Release Schedule
3886 a PocketPc version of Textpad
3921 any plans for linux port?
No poll
3816 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
3830 Feature request: Save sort sets
3837 Drag and drop editing should be smarter
3838 Bracket Matching could be much better
3839 Undo should restore selection
3847 Auto-complete
3852 background color
3853 toggling between splitted screens
3859 Clone tools
3869 Tools dependent on document class
3891 Tool Parameter Macros
3889 Autoload Feature (Programmable Macros???)
3887 associate history of search/replace boxes to workspace
3908 bit changeovers [more editor functions]
3907 Update our email address info on record
3906 Treeview in the document selector
3930 Vi Keybinds
3910 Workspaces
3916 workspace {copied from General string}
3915 Need more BracketChars settings in .syn files..
Invalid poll
3870 Be able to clone tools.
3882 Increase Limit of File Name Filters (original)
3897 WebDAV support
3936 External Diff
3925 Syntax Highlighting - Allow wildcards to define keywords
Duplicate suggestion
3835 'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
3845 Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 2:27 pm
by jeffy
...drum roll, please...
Sunday, 15 June 2003
Code: Select all
MV RNK ID {5 4 3 2 1 } TOT WT AVG VOTE
000 1 3775 {31 6 1 0 1 } 39 66 4.692 Editable Macros
000 2 3764 {18 13 3 2 1 } 37 45 4.216 Expand/Collapse blocks of text
000 3 3773 {13 7 4 0 0 } 24 33 4.375 Additional attributes for syntax high...
000 4 3787 {12 10 3 0 1 } 26 32 4.230 Show matching brackets
++1 5 3777 {12 8 6 3 1 } 30 27 3.9 Syntax highlight for embedded languages
--1 6 3836 {9 8 3 2 0 } 22 24 4.090 Flexible 'alignment' function
++2 7 3765 {3 16 5 3 0 } 27 19 3.703 Coloured active line
--1 8 3890 {6 6 1 0 0 } 13 18 4.384 Larger fields for Search/Replace
--1 9 3858 {6 7 2 0 1 } 16 17 4.062 Dockable Command Results and Search R...
000 10 3799 {6 2 2 0 0 } 10 14 4.4 Macro recording on-the-fly text
000 11 3785 {5 7 3 5 0 } 20 12 3.6 Reload and reapply syntax definition
++1 12 3817 {5 5 8 3 0 } 21 12 3.571 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
--1 13 3782 {2 5 4 0 0 } 11 9 3.818 Macros that don't change selection an...
++9 14 3846 {5 4 4 3 1 } 17 9 3.529 Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
000 15 3822 {3 7 7 2 1 } 20 9 3.45 Keyboard Shortcut Map
++2 16 3855 {3 6 5 2 1 } 17 8 3.470 An output window tab for each user de...
--3 17 3866 {3 5 4 4 0 } 16 7 3.437 Friendlier Tab-Stops
--2 18 3780 {2 7 0 3 1 } 13 6 3.461 Scoping most configuration to Documen...
--2 19 3783 {3 4 5 0 2 } 14 6 3.428 Add a small amount of dynamics to cli...
--1 20 3779 {2 1 3 0 0 } 6 5 3.833 Workgroup features -- Color settings
--1 21 3843 {2 3 6 2 0 } 13 5 3.384 Scripted Regular Expressions
--1 22 3854 {1 8 4 3 1 } 17 5 3.294 Ability to change icons of user defin...
--1 23 3807 {3 2 5 0 2 } 12 4 3.333 www ip address and root folder saved ...
000 24 3888 {1 3 1 2 0 } 7 3 3.428 Increase Limit of File Name Filters -...
000 25 3786 {2 3 4 2 1 } 12 3 3.25 Temporarily associate doc to another ...
*** 26 3959 {1 2 0 2 0 } 5 2 3.4 Small and easy: Duplicate Current Line
--1 27 3856 {0 5 3 3 0 } 11 2 3.181 User-defined Hyperlinks
--1 28 3794 {1 3 6 1 1 } 12 2 3.166 Preferences->File->Keep files locked ...
--1 29 3781 {1 5 4 1 2 } 13 2 3.153 Auto-save empty workspaces
--1 30 3784 {2 6 2 4 2 } 16 2 3.125 Three command keys
--1 31 3872 {1 5 5 3 2 } 16 0 3.0 Customize the right-click menu
--1 32 3767 {6 2 4 7 4 } 23 -1 2.956 Explorer-style Navigator
--1 33 3933 {2 1 3 2 2 } 10 -1 2.9 Method List for Current File
--1 34 3844 {2 1 4 3 2 } 12 -2 2.833 Clipboard Tool Parameter
*** 35 3961 {1 0 1 2 1 } 5 -2 2.6 Small and easy: Back and Forward button
--1 36 3909 {1 3 3 2 3 } 12 -3 2.75 View horiz scrollbar only when word w...
--3 37 3902 {1 3 1 4 2 } 11 -3 2.727 Enhanced Backup
--2 38 3934 {1 1 1 3 2 } 8 -4 2.5 Refactor Tool Support
--2 39 3766 {2 4 2 9 2 } 19 -5 2.736 Vertical Split - looped scrolli
--2 40 3792 {1 1 4 2 3 } 11 -5 2.545 word wrap
{181 195 136 89 43 } 644 382 3.593
Date which movement is being compared against: Sunday, 8 June 2003
(600 total votes at that time)
Here's the latest exclusionary list:
Code: Select all
Not a TextPad feature suggestion
3762 You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
3769 Consider a poll...
3811 Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
3832 Show polls not voted on yet.
3935 Shorter Release Schedule
3886 a PocketPc version of Textpad
3921 any plans for linux port?
No poll
3816 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
3830 Feature request: Save sort sets
3837 Drag and drop editing should be smarter
3838 Bracket Matching could be much better
3839 Undo should restore selection
3847 Auto-complete
3852 background color
3853 toggling between splitted screens
3859 Clone tools
3869 Tools dependent on document class
3891 Tool Parameter Macros
3889 Autoload Feature (Programmable Macros???)
3887 associate history of search/replace boxes to workspace
3908 bit changeovers [more editor functions]
3907 Update our email address info on record
3906 Treeview in the document selector
3930 Vi Keybinds
3910 Workspaces
3916 workspace {copied from General string}
3915 Need more BracketChars settings in .syn files..
3963 YES! F5 and F8 BOXES as PANES, along with Document Selector
3964 problems with textpad
3956 Save Clickable Search Results. Later Reload &Click File
3951 Ctrl-M bracket match and program comments?
3950 Find in Selected Text
Invalid poll
3870 Be able to clone tools.
3882 Increase Limit of File Name Filters (original)
3897 WebDAV support
3936 External Diff
3925 Syntax Highlighting - Allow wildcards to define keywords
3944 What about the option of changing text color?
Duplicate suggestion
3835 'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
3845 Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 12:51 pm
by jeffy
...drum roll, please...
Sunday, 22 June 2003
Code: Select all
MV RNK ID {5 4 3 2 1 } TOT WT AVG VOTE
000 1 3775 {33 8 1 0 1 } 43 72 4.674 Editable Macros
000 2 3764 {20 13 4 2 1 } 40 49 4.225 Expand/Collapse blocks of text
++1 3 3787 {13 10 3 0 1 } 27 34 4.259 Show matching brackets
--1 4 3773 {13 7 4 0 0 } 24 33 4.375 Additional attributes for syntax high...
000 5 3777 {14 9 6 3 1 } 33 32 3.969 Syntax highlight for embedded languages
000 6 3836 {10 8 3 2 0 } 23 26 4.130 Flexible 'alignment' function
++1 7 3890 {7 6 1 0 0 } 14 20 4.428 Larger fields for Search/Replace
--1 8 3765 {3 16 5 3 0 } 27 19 3.703 Coloured active line
000 9 3858 {6 7 2 0 1 } 16 17 4.062 Dockable Command Results and Search R...
000 10 3799 {6 2 2 0 0 } 10 14 4.4 Macro recording on-the-fly text
++1 11 3817 {5 6 8 3 0 } 22 13 3.590 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
--1 12 3785 {5 7 3 5 0 } 20 12 3.6 Reload and reapply syntax definition
000 13 3782 {2 5 4 0 0 } 11 9 3.818 Macros that don't change selection an...
000 14 3846 {5 4 4 3 1 } 17 9 3.529 Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
000 15 3822 {3 7 7 2 1 } 20 9 3.45 Keyboard Shortcut Map
000 16 3855 {3 6 5 2 1 } 17 8 3.470 An output window tab for each user de...
000 17 3866 {3 5 4 4 0 } 16 7 3.437 Friendlier Tab-Stops
000 18 3780 {2 7 0 3 1 } 13 6 3.461 Scoping most configuration to Documen...
000 19 3783 {3 4 5 0 2 } 14 6 3.428 Add a small amount of dynamics to cli...
++1 20 3843 {2 3 6 2 0 } 13 5 3.384 Scripted Regular Expressions
++1 21 3854 {1 8 4 3 1 } 17 5 3.294 Ability to change icons of user defin...
++4 22 3959 {1 4 3 2 0 } 10 4 3.4 Small and easy: Duplicate Current Line
000 23 3807 {3 2 5 0 2 } 12 4 3.333 www ip address and root folder saved ...
*** 24 3983 {2 0 1 1 0 } 4 3 3.75 Ability to re-order files in a workspace
--5 25 3779 {2 1 3 0 1 } 7 3 3.428 Workgroup features -- Color settings
--2 26 3888 {1 3 1 2 0 } 7 3 3.428 Increase Limit of File Name Filters -...
--2 27 3786 {2 3 4 2 1 } 12 3 3.25 Temporarily associate doc to another ...
--1 28 3856 {0 5 3 3 0 } 11 2 3.181 User-defined Hyperlinks
--1 29 3794 {1 3 6 1 1 } 12 2 3.166 Preferences->File->Keep files locked ...
--1 30 3781 {1 5 4 1 2 } 13 2 3.153 Auto-save empty workspaces
--1 31 3784 {2 6 2 4 2 } 16 2 3.125 Three command keys
*** 32 3982 {1 0 4 1 0 } 6 1 3.166 Files in a workspace should retain th...
--2 33 3872 {1 5 5 3 2 } 16 0 3.0 Customize the right-click menu
--1 34 3933 {2 2 3 2 2 } 11 0 3.0 Method List for Current File
--3 35 3767 {6 2 4 7 4 } 23 -1 2.956 Explorer-style Navigator
--2 36 3844 {2 1 4 3 2 } 12 -2 2.833 Clipboard Tool Parameter
--1 37 3909 {1 3 3 2 3 } 12 -3 2.75 View horiz scrollbar only when word w...
--1 38 3902 {1 3 1 4 2 } 11 -3 2.727 Enhanced Backup
--4 39 3961 {1 0 2 3 1 } 7 -3 2.571 Small and easy: Back and Forward button
--2 40 3934 {1 1 1 3 2 } 8 -4 2.5 Refactor Tool Support
--2 41 3766 {2 4 2 9 2 } 19 -5 2.736 Vertical Split - looped scrolling
--2 42 3792 {1 1 4 2 3 } 11 -5 2.545 word wrap
{193 202 146 92 44 } 677 408 3.602
Date which movement is being compared against: Sunday, 15 June 2003
(644 total votes at that time)
Here's the latest exclusionary list:
Code: Select all
Not a TextPad feature suggestion
3762 You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
3769 Consider a poll...
3811 Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
3832 Show polls not voted on yet.
3935 Shorter Release Schedule
3886 a PocketPc version of Textpad
3921 any plans for linux port?
No poll
3816 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
3830 Feature request: Save sort sets
3837 Drag and drop editing should be smarter
3838 Bracket Matching could be much better
3839 Undo should restore selection
3847 Auto-complete
3852 background color
3853 toggling between splitted screens
3859 Clone tools
3869 Tools dependent on document class
3891 Tool Parameter Macros
3889 Autoload Feature (Programmable Macros???)
3887 associate history of search/replace boxes to workspace
3908 bit changeovers [more editor functions]
3907 Update our email address info on record
3906 Treeview in the document selector
3930 Vi Keybinds
3910 Workspaces
3916 workspace {copied from General string}
3915 Need more BracketChars settings in .syn files..
3963 YES! F5 and F8 BOXES as PANES, along with Document Selector
3964 problems with textpad
3956 Save Clickable Search Results. Later Reload &Click File
3951 Ctrl-M bracket match and program comments?
3950 Find in Selected Text
Invalid poll
3870 Be able to clone tools.
3882 Increase Limit of File Name Filters (original)
3897 WebDAV support
3936 External Diff
3925 Syntax Highlighting - Allow wildcards to define keywords
3944 What about the option of changing text color?
Duplicate suggestion
3835 'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
3845 Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2003 3:07 pm
by Bob Hansen
Thanks Jeffy.....just a note to let you know this being read every week. Hope Helios is paying attention too!.....Keep up the good work.....
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2003 12:37 pm
by jeffy
To Bob: Thank you. I was hoping, but it is nice to hear. :' )
...drum roll, please...
Sunday, June 29, 2003
Code: Select all
MV RNK ID {5 4 3 2 1 } TOT WT AVG VOTE
000 1 3775 {33 8 2 0 1 } 44 72 4.636 Editable Macros
000 2 3764 {21 14 4 2 1 } 42 52 4.238 Expand/Collapse blocks of text
000 3 3787 {13 10 3 0 1 } 27 34 4.259 Show matching brackets
000 4 3773 {13 7 5 0 0 } 25 33 4.32 Additional attributes for syntax high...
000 5 3777 {15 9 6 4 1 } 35 33 3.942 Syntax highlight for embedded languages
000 6 3836 {10 9 3 2 0 } 24 27 4.125 Flexible 'alignment' function
000 7 3890 {7 6 2 0 0 } 15 20 4.333 Larger fields for Search/Replace
000 8 3765 {3 16 7 3 0 } 29 19 3.655 Coloured active line
000 9 3858 {6 7 3 0 1 } 17 17 4.0 Dockable Command Results and Search R...
000 10 3799 {6 3 2 0 0 } 11 15 4.363 Macro recording on-the-fly text
000 11 3817 {5 7 8 3 0 } 23 14 3.608 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
*** 12 3997 {2 9 1 0 0 } 12 13 4.083 Auto Comment Code
--1 13 3785 {5 8 3 5 0 } 21 13 3.619 Reload and reapply syntax definition
000 14 3846 {6 6 4 4 1 } 21 12 3.571 Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
--2 15 3782 {2 5 4 0 0 } 11 9 3.818 Macros that don't change selection an...
--1 16 3822 {3 7 7 2 1 } 20 9 3.45 Keyboard Shortcut Map
--1 17 3855 {3 6 5 2 1 } 17 8 3.470 An output window tab for each user de...
--1 18 3866 {3 5 6 4 0 } 18 7 3.388 Friendlier Tab-Stops
++5 19 3983 {3 1 2 1 0 } 7 6 3.857 Ability to re-order files in a workspace
--2 20 3780 {2 7 0 3 1 } 13 6 3.461 Scoping most configuration to Documen...
--2 21 3783 {3 4 5 0 2 } 14 6 3.428 Add a small amount of dynamics to cli...
--2 22 3843 {2 4 6 2 0 } 14 6 3.428 Scripted Regular Expressions
--1 23 3959 {1 5 4 2 0 } 12 5 3.416 Small and easy: Duplicate Current Line
--3 24 3854 {1 8 4 3 1 } 17 5 3.294 Ability to change icons of user defin...
--2 25 3807 {3 2 5 0 2 } 12 4 3.333 www ip address and root folder saved ...
--1 26 3779 {2 1 4 0 1 } 8 3 3.375 Workgroup features -- Color settings
--1 27 3888 {1 3 2 2 0 } 8 3 3.375 Increase Limit of File Name Filters -...
++2 28 3781 {1 6 4 1 2 } 14 3 3.214 Auto-save empty workspaces
--1 29 3856 {0 5 3 3 0 } 11 2 3.181 User-defined Hyperlinks
--1 30 3794 {1 3 6 1 1 } 12 2 3.166 Preferences->File->Keep files locked ...
000 31 3784 {2 6 2 4 2 } 16 2 3.125 Three command keys
000 32 3982 {1 0 5 1 0 } 7 1 3.142 Files in a workspace should retain th...
--6 33 3786 {2 3 4 2 2 } 13 1 3.076 Temporarily associate doc to another ...
--1 34 3872 {1 5 6 3 2 } 17 0 3.0 Customize the right-click menu
--1 35 3933 {2 2 3 2 2 } 11 0 3.0 Method List for Current File
--1 36 3767 {6 2 5 7 4 } 24 -1 2.958 Explorer-style Navigator
000 37 3909 {1 4 3 2 3 } 13 -2 2.846 View horiz scrollbar only when word w...
--2 38 3844 {2 1 4 3 2 } 12 -2 2.833 Clipboard Tool Parameter
*** 39 4014 {1 0 3 2 1 } 7 -2 2.714 Allow Syntax Highlighting of a partic...
--2 40 3902 {1 3 2 4 2 } 12 -3 2.75 Enhanced Backup
--1 41 3934 {1 1 1 3 2 } 8 -4 2.5 Refactor Tool Support
000 42 3792 {1 1 6 2 3 } 13 -5 2.615 word wrap
--4 43 3961 {1 0 3 3 2 } 9 -5 2.444 Small and easy: Back and Forward button
--3 44 3766 {2 4 2 10 2 } 20 -6 2.7 Vertical Split - looped scrolli
{200 223 169 97 47 } 736 432 3.586
Date which movement is being compared against: Sunday, June 22, 2003
(677 total votes at that time)
Here's the latest exclusionary list:
Code: Select all
Not a TextPad feature suggestion
3762 You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
3769 Consider a poll...
3811 Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
3832 Show polls not voted on yet.
3935 Shorter Release Schedule
3886 a PocketPc version of Textpad
3921 any plans for linux port?
No poll
3816 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
3830 Feature request: Save sort sets
3837 Drag and drop editing should be smarter
3838 Bracket Matching could be much better
3839 Undo should restore selection
3847 Auto-complete
3852 background color
3853 toggling between splitted screens
3859 Clone tools
3869 Tools dependent on document class
3891 Tool Parameter Macros
3889 Autoload Feature (Programmable Macros???)
3887 associate history of search/replace boxes to workspace
3908 bit changeovers [more editor functions]
3907 Update our email address info on record
3906 Treeview in the document selector
3930 Vi Keybinds
3910 Workspaces
3916 workspace {copied from General string}
3915 Need more BracketChars settings in .syn files..
3963 YES! F5 and F8 BOXES as PANES, along with Document Selector
3964 problems with textpad
3956 Save Clickable Search Results. Later Reload &Click File
3951 Ctrl-M bracket match and program comments?
3950 Find in Selected Text
3980 Change Case Menu Option
3988 Regarding Printing in Textpad
3985 Highlighting/commenting out code
3979 Suggestion for Workspaces
3972 multi-file operations
3969 Turning off UTF-8 file signature in 4.6
4018 Cursor shape as underline
4013 Open File by clicking on link inside existing file
4010 Two documents; Sorting and stuff
4011 Global Enhancement List
4008 My humble suggestions for TextPad
4004 Code folding and colored comparisons
3998 No extensions (*.xyz) for Textpad
3995 Find *ONLY* duplicated lines and replace others
3994 named bookmarks
Invalid poll
3870 Be able to clone tools.
3882 Increase Limit of File Name Filters (original)
3897 WebDAV support
3936 External Diff
3925 Syntax Highlighting - Allow wildcards to define keywords
3944 What about the option of changing text color?
4012 Customizable "hyphenate at" symbol list
4005 suppress "Another application has updated file" di
4006 Cancel opening of large files
Duplicate suggestion
3835 'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
3845 Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 3:11 pm
by jeffy
There were only nine votes this week. I am considering posting this list at a slower pace (bi-weekly or monthly) if there are not many new votes during each week.
If you like weekly updates, then consider encouraging other forum members to vote in existing polls, and also for enhancement posters (especially for those suggestions you like!) to put in a properly-formatted poll.
:' )
...drum roll, please...
Sunday, July 6, 2003
Code: Select all
MV RNK ID {5 4 3 2 1 } TOT WT AVG VOTE
000 1 3775 {34 8 2 0 1 } 45 74 4.644 Editable Macros
000 2 3764 {21 14 4 2 1 } 42 52 4.238 Expand/Collapse blocks of text
000 3 3787 {13 10 4 0 1 } 28 34 4.214 Show matching brackets
000 4 3773 {13 7 5 0 0 } 25 33 4.32 Additional attributes for syntax high...
000 5 3777 {15 9 6 4 1 } 35 33 3.942 Syntax highlight for embedded languages
000 6 3836 {10 9 3 2 0 } 24 27 4.125 Flexible 'alignment' function
000 7 3890 {7 6 2 0 0 } 15 20 4.333 Larger fields for Search/Replace
000 8 3765 {3 17 7 3 0 } 30 20 3.666 Coloured active line
000 9 3858 {6 7 3 0 1 } 17 17 4.0 Dockable Command Results and Search R...
000 10 3799 {6 3 2 0 0 } 11 15 4.363 Macro recording on-the-fly text
++1 11 3997 {3 9 1 0 0 } 13 15 4.153 Auto Comment Code
--1 12 3817 {5 7 8 3 0 } 23 14 3.608 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
000 13 3785 {5 8 3 5 0 } 21 13 3.619 Reload and reapply syntax definition
000 14 3846 {6 6 4 4 1 } 21 12 3.571 Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
++4 15 3983 {5 1 2 1 0 } 9 10 4.111 Ability to re-order files in a workspace
--1 16 3782 {2 5 4 0 0 } 11 9 3.818 Macros that don't change selection an...
--1 17 3822 {3 7 7 2 1 } 20 9 3.45 Keyboard Shortcut Map
--1 18 3855 {3 6 5 2 1 } 17 8 3.470 An output window tab for each user de...
--1 19 3866 {3 5 6 4 0 } 18 7 3.388 Friendlier Tab-Stops
000 20 3780 {2 7 0 3 1 } 13 6 3.461 Scoping most configuration to Documen...
000 21 3783 {3 4 5 0 2 } 14 6 3.428 Add a small amount of dynamics to cli...
000 22 3843 {2 4 6 2 0 } 14 6 3.428 Scripted Regular Expressions
000 23 3959 {1 5 4 2 0 } 12 5 3.416 Small and easy: Duplicate Current Line
000 24 3854 {1 8 4 3 1 } 17 5 3.294 Ability to change icons of user defin...
000 25 3807 {3 2 5 0 2 } 12 4 3.333 www ip address and root folder saved ...
000 26 3779 {2 1 4 0 1 } 8 3 3.375 Workgroup features -- Color settings
000 27 3888 {1 3 2 2 0 } 8 3 3.375 Increase Limit of File Name Filters -...
000 28 3781 {1 6 4 1 2 } 14 3 3.214 Auto-save empty workspaces
000 29 3856 {0 5 3 3 0 } 11 2 3.181 User-defined Hyperlinks
000 30 3794 {1 3 6 1 1 } 12 2 3.166 Preferences->File->Keep files locked ...
000 31 3784 {2 6 2 4 2 } 16 2 3.125 Three command keys
000 32 3982 {1 0 5 1 0 } 7 1 3.142 Files in a workspace should retain th...
000 33 3786 {2 3 4 2 2 } 13 1 3.076 Temporarily associate doc to another ...
++2 34 3767 {7 2 5 7 4 } 25 1 3.04 Explorer-style Navigator
--1 35 3872 {1 5 6 3 2 } 17 0 3.0 Customize the right-click menu
--1 36 3933 {2 2 3 2 2 } 11 0 3.0 Method List for Current File
000 37 3909 {1 4 3 2 3 } 13 -2 2.846 View horiz scrollbar only when word w...
000 38 3844 {2 1 4 3 2 } 12 -2 2.833 Clipboard Tool Parameter
000 39 4014 {1 0 4 2 1 } 8 -2 2.75 Allow Syntax Highlighting of a partic...
000 40 3902 {1 3 2 4 2 } 12 -3 2.75 Enhanced Backup
++2 41 3961 {1 1 3 3 2 } 10 -4 2.6 Small and easy: Back and Forward button
--1 42 3934 {1 1 1 3 2 } 8 -4 2.5 Refactor Tool Support
--1 43 3792 {1 1 6 2 3 } 13 -5 2.615 word wrap
000 44 3766 {2 4 2 10 2 } 20 -6 2.7 Vertical Split - looped scrolli
{205 225 171 97 47 } 745 444 3.595
Date which movement is being compared against: Sunday, June 29, 2003
(736 total votes at that time)
Here's the latest exclusionary list:
Code: Select all
Not a TextPad feature suggestion
3762 You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
3769 Consider a poll...
3811 Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
3832 Show polls not voted on yet.
3935 Shorter Release Schedule
3886 a PocketPc version of Textpad
3921 any plans for linux port?
No poll
3816 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
3830 Feature request: Save sort sets
3837 Drag and drop editing should be smarter
3838 Bracket Matching could be much better
3839 Undo should restore selection
3847 Auto-complete
3852 background color
3853 toggling between splitted screens
3859 Clone tools
3869 Tools dependent on document class
3891 Tool Parameter Macros
3889 Autoload Feature (Programmable Macros???)
3887 associate history of search/replace boxes to workspace
3908 bit changeovers [more editor functions]
3907 Update our email address info on record
3906 Treeview in the document selector
3930 Vi Keybinds
3910 Workspaces
3916 workspace {copied from General string}
3915 Need more BracketChars settings in .syn files..
3963 YES! F5 and F8 BOXES as PANES, along with Document Selector
3964 problems with textpad
3956 Save Clickable Search Results. Later Reload &Click File
3951 Ctrl-M bracket match and program comments?
3950 Find in Selected Text
3980 Change Case Menu Option
3988 Regarding Printing in Textpad
3985 Highlighting/commenting out code
3979 Suggestion for Workspaces
3972 multi-file operations
3969 Turning off UTF-8 file signature in 4.6
4018 Cursor shape as underline
4013 Open File by clicking on link inside existing file
4010 Two documents; Sorting and stuff
4011 Global Enhancement List
4008 My humble suggestions for TextPad
4004 Code folding and colored comparisons
3998 No extensions (*.xyz) for Textpad
3995 Find *ONLY* duplicated lines and replace others
3994 named bookmarks
4036 'Wrap searches' option for Replace function
4037 Word Wrap vs. Block Select Mode: overriding policies
4035 Find In Files -> open files
4034 A suggestion.
4030 Block-Selection-Mode Enhancment
4031 Disable Undo For Search And replace
4029 Configuration setting to set Word-Wrap as default
4026 delimiters for spelling checker
4021 automaticly highlighted brackeds ? What do You think about ?
Invalid poll
3870 Be able to clone tools.
3882 Increase Limit of File Name Filters (original)
3897 WebDAV support
3936 External Diff
3925 Syntax Highlighting - Allow wildcards to define keywords
3944 What about the option of changing text color?
4012 Customizable "hyphenate at" symbol list
4005 suppress "Another application has updated file" di
4006 Cancel opening of large files
Duplicate suggestion
3835 'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
3845 Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2003 3:59 pm
by Bob Hansen
Hi Jeffy...
Monthly would be fine.
I think the biggest issue is that the non-included list is growing. Too bad there is no way to make new polls conform to the specs that were initially requested.
And it is also a lot of work for someone to scroll through all of the polls that they have not yet voted on; it would be nice to have the forum do a filter of those items.
The overall weighted ranking you have calculated helps to cut through basic statistics like percentages which can really be misleading. It is interesting to note that after all these polls, that the weighted ranking of Editable Macros is still 50% higher than the second highest item.
Would also be interested to see some comments from Helios about their observations, plans, etc. re the enhancement request postings.
Good work, thanks for your independant efforts.
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 3:58 pm
by Bob Hansen
Hello Jeffy....
Since 4.7 is released I am curious to see how many of the enhancement requests were actually implemented. When you get a chance is there any possiblility of comparing the request list you have been maintaining against the release notes. Add another column to reflect the release level that implements a request? Maybe some of the existing requests will show up in 4.8?
I believe that editable macros has been on the top of list for months, but really obvious was that editable macros were not included. Actually saw no mention of any changes affecting macros at all.
Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2003 6:22 pm
by jeffy
Bob Hansen wrote:Since 4.7 is released I am curious to see how many of the enhancement requests were actually implemented.
I believe only the "highlight current line" request was done. I'll add it to the exclusionary list, under a new "Implemented! :' )" type.
Bob Hansen wrote:I believe that editable macros has been on the top of list for months, but really obvious was that editable macros were not included. Actually saw no mention of any changes affecting macros at all.
I don't expect any major changes until 5.0. Macros are likely to be completely overhauled, so effort to dedicated to making any macro-related changes at this point would only result in wasted effort, as they would only be useful *until* 5.0.
Only three more years to go until 5.0! Woohoo!
(Just kidding. :' )
Missing features and lost potential users
Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 2:22 am
by csalsa
The features/enhancements being voted on in this forum are by people already using Textpad. However, there are missing features that block new users from taking on Textpad as their favourite editor. This large 'hidden' group will not be voting on this list.
Before going on, maintaining this list is great for the existing users and you should be congratulated for your efforts.
As for 'missing features', a text editor should have a minimal set of functionality to be useful. For me as a software developer, a minimal feature not in Textpad is method, or function, lists. Other editors, like Ultraedit, have had them for years. Brief, an editor once an industry standard, had method lists ten plus years ago. (Funny how some of the features that were with Brief and some purchased macros have only been recently (in the last few years) been added to other editors

Other developers I have shown Textpad to have said: 'Nice, but it does not have method lists'.
This missing feature is blocking me from using Textpad. I reluctantly started using Ultraedit two years ago. But I keep coming back to Textpad, a great product, hoping this feature has been added. I first requested method lists as an enhancement five plus years ago when Textpad 3 was first released.

Re: Missing features and lost potential users
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 11:20 am
by Nial
> As for 'missing features', a text editor should have a minimal set of
> functionality to be useful. For me as a software developer, a minimal
> feature not in Textpad is method, or function, lists. Other editors, like
> Ultraedit, have had them for years. Brief, an editor once an industry
> standard, had method lists ten plus years ago. (Funny how some of the
> features that were with Brief and some purchased macros have only
> been recently (in the last few years) been added to other
> editors

Textpad's a text editor, not a programming development platform.
As a hardware engineer writing VHDL, method or function list production
is redundant functionality that I don't need/want. The software
development aspects of Ultraedit are probably what steered me to
> Other developers I have shown Textpad to have said: 'Nice, but it does
> not have method lists'.
If your methods and functions have known declaration syntax and are
you just want a list of these in the current file you should be able to
do it with Grep.
Briefly, I wanted a search for any occurence of the selected text in
the current file found. This could be changed to find any occurence
of your method/function declaration and attached to a tool button.
Do a search of my posts, or there's a pointer on the 'How To' forum,
for details.
Hope this helps,
Re: Missing features and lost potential users
Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:52 pm
by s_reynisson
What about
at Frank's Free Software web site?
csalsa wrote:...
Other developers I have shown Textpad to have said: 'Nice, but it does not have method lists'...

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:21 pm
by jeffy
...drum roll, please...
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Code: Select all
MV RNK ID {5 4 3 2 1 } TOT WT AVG VOTE
000 1 3775 {39 10 2 0 2 } 53 84 4.584 Editable Macros
000 2 3764 {27 16 4 2 1 } 50 66 4.32 Expand/Collapse blocks of text
++1 3 3773 {16 7 5 0 0 } 28 39 4.392 Additional attributes for syntax high...
--1 4 3787 {13 12 4 0 1 } 30 36 4.2 Show matching brackets
000 5 3777 {16 9 6 4 1 } 36 35 3.972 Syntax highlight for embedded languages
000 6 3836 {12 9 3 2 0 } 26 31 4.192 Flexible 'alignment' function
000 7 3890 {7 7 2 0 0 } 16 21 4.312 Larger fields for Search/Replace
++1 8 3858 {6 8 3 0 1 } 18 18 4.0 Dockable Command Results and Search R...
++6 9 3983 {8 2 3 1 0 } 14 17 4.214 Ability to re-order files in a workspace
++1 10 3997 {5 10 1 3 0 } 19 17 3.894 Auto Comment Code
--1 11 3799 {6 3 2 0 0 } 11 15 4.363 Macro recording on-the-fly text
++2 12 3846 {7 7 4 4 1 } 23 15 3.652 Syntax Files - Dynamic Keywords
*** 13 4123 {6 1 0 1 0 } 8 12 4.5 binary file improvements
--1 14 3785 {5 8 3 5 1 } 22 11 3.5 Reload and reapply syntax definition
++1 15 3782 {2 5 4 0 0 } 11 9 3.818 Macros that don't change selection an...
++1 16 3822 {3 7 7 2 1 } 20 9 3.45 Keyboard Shortcut Map
++1 17 3855 {3 6 5 2 1 } 17 8 3.470 An output window tab for each user de...
++1 18 3866 {3 5 6 4 0 } 18 7 3.388 Friendlier Tab-Stops
++2 19 3783 {3 4 5 0 2 } 14 6 3.428 Add a small amount of dynamics to cli...
++2 20 3843 {2 4 6 2 0 } 14 6 3.428 Scripted Regular Expressions
--1 21 3780 {2 7 0 4 1 } 14 5 3.357 Scoping most configuration to Documen...
++2 22 3854 {1 8 4 3 1 } 17 5 3.294 Ability to change icons of user defin...
++2 23 3807 {3 2 5 0 2 } 12 4 3.333 www ip address and root folder saved ...
--1 24 3959 {1 5 4 3 0 } 13 4 3.307 Small and easy: Duplicate Current Line
++6 25 3784 {2 8 2 4 2 } 18 4 3.222 Three command keys
*** 26 4115 {1 1 3 0 0 } 5 3 3.6 Strip Trailing Spaces command
--1 27 3779 {2 1 4 0 1 } 8 3 3.375 Workgroup features -- Color settings
--1 28 3888 {1 3 2 2 0 } 8 3 3.375 Increase Limit of File Name Filters -...
++7 29 3933 {3 3 3 2 2 } 13 3 3.230 Method List for Current File
++3 30 3786 {3 3 4 2 2 } 14 3 3.214 Temporarily associate doc to another ...
*** 31 4128 {1 2 1 0 1 } 5 2 3.4 original text twice after applying cl...
--3 32 3856 {0 5 3 3 0 } 11 2 3.181 User-defined Hyperlinks
--3 33 3794 {1 3 6 1 1 } 12 2 3.166 Preferences->File->Keep files locked ...
--6 34 3781 {1 6 4 2 2 } 15 2 3.133 Auto-save empty workspaces
000 35 3872 {2 5 6 3 2 } 18 2 3.111 Customize the right-click menu
*** 36 4125 {0 1 1 0 0 } 2 1 3.5 Just a *small* bug
--5 37 3982 {1 0 5 1 0 } 7 1 3.142 Files in a workspace should retain th...
++1 38 4014 {3 0 4 3 1 } 11 1 3.090 Allow Syntax Highlighting of a partic...
*** 39 4121 {0 2 2 0 1 } 5 0 3.0 * disrupts the stacked tabs
--3 40 3909 {1 5 3 2 3 } 14 -1 2.928 View horiz scrollbar only when word w...
--7 41 3767 {7 2 5 8 5 } 27 -2 2.925 Explorer-style Navigator
--4 42 3844 {2 1 4 3 2 } 12 -2 2.833 Clipboard Tool Parameter
*** 43 4119 {1 0 2 0 2 } 5 -2 2.6 Change case buttons
*** 44 4120 {0 2 0 2 1 } 5 -2 2.6 save undo and redo buffers
--5 45 3902 {1 3 2 4 2 } 12 -3 2.75 Enhanced Backup
*** 46 4118 {1 1 1 2 2 } 7 -3 2.571 Office-like enhancements
*** 47 4122 {0 2 0 1 2 } 5 -3 2.4 undo reload updated file
--5 48 3792 {1 2 6 2 3 } 14 -4 2.714 word wrap
--8 49 3961 {1 1 4 3 2 } 11 -4 2.636 Small and easy: Back and Forward button
--8 50 3934 {1 1 1 3 2 } 8 -4 2.5 Refactor Tool Support
*** 51 4116 {1 1 0 1 3 } 6 -4 2.333 TextPad icon on context menus, like W...
--8 52 3766 {2 5 2 10 2 } 21 -5 2.761 Vertical Split - looped scrolli
*** 53 4124 {0 0 1 0 4 } 5 -8 1.4 a silly one
{236 231 169 106 66 } 808 465 3.575
Date which movement is being compared against: Sunday, July 6, 2003
(745 total votes at that time)
NOTE: 33 votes for "Coloured active line", and 24 votes for "Syntax Highlighting for Search Results" are no longer counted in the above poll, because they've been implemented :' ). Last time there was 745 votes, now there's 808. So that's 63 more votes. But it's really 63 + 24 + 33 (= 120) new votes.
Here's the latest exclusionary list:
Code: Select all
Implemented! :' )
3765 Coloured active line
3817 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results
Not a TextPad feature suggestion
3762 You must be logged in to post messages in this forum
3769 Consider a poll...
3811 Relative rankings of every enhanecement suggestion
3832 Show polls not voted on yet.
3935 Shorter Release Schedule
3886 a PocketPc version of Textpad
3921 any plans for linux port?
No poll
3816 Syntax Highlighting for Search Results (original)
3830 Feature request: Save sort sets
3837 Drag and drop editing should be smarter
3838 Bracket Matching could be much better
3839 Undo should restore selection
3847 Auto-complete
3852 background color
3853 toggling between splitted screens
3859 Clone tools
3869 Tools dependent on document class
3891 Tool Parameter Macros
3889 Autoload Feature (Programmable Macros???)
3887 associate history of search/replace boxes to workspace
3908 bit changeovers [more editor functions]
3907 Update our email address info on record
3906 Treeview in the document selector
3930 Vi Keybinds
3910 Workspaces
3916 workspace {copied from General string}
3915 Need more BracketChars settings in .syn files..
3963 YES! F5 and F8 BOXES as PANES, along with Document Selector
3964 problems with textpad
3956 Save Clickable Search Results. Later Reload &Click File
3951 Ctrl-M bracket match and program comments?
3950 Find in Selected Text
3980 Change Case Menu Option
3988 Regarding Printing in Textpad
3985 Highlighting/commenting out code
3979 Suggestion for Workspaces
3972 multi-file operations
3969 Turning off UTF-8 file signature in 4.6
4018 Cursor shape as underline
4013 Open File by clicking on link inside existing file
4010 Two documents; Sorting and stuff
4011 Global Enhancement List
4008 My humble suggestions for TextPad
4004 Code folding and colored comparisons
3998 No extensions (*.xyz) for Textpad
3995 Find *ONLY* duplicated lines and replace others
3994 named bookmarks
4036 'Wrap searches' option for Replace function
4037 Word Wrap vs. Block Select Mode: overriding policies
4035 Find In Files -> open files
4034 A suggestion.
4030 Block-Selection-Mode Enhancment
4031 Disable Undo For Search And replace
4029 Configuration setting to set Word-Wrap as default
4026 delimiters for spelling checker
4021 automaticly highlighted brackeds ? What do You think about ?
4052 Color Text Highlighting
4040 Switch the viewing of a file between text and hexadecimal
4049 easy handy feature: more details in the "Searching for&
4046 "Allow multiple instances to run" affect double cl
4112 Document Class specific keystrokes
4102 Regex engine
4097 Find/replace dialog Font
4093 find in all documents output to "Search Results" w
4090 Preferences: Document Classes: Keywording - Attach Case
4085 Two-level search
4071 Webpage(s) indexing
4059 Do not automatically try to save files never saved before
Invalid poll
3870 Be able to clone tools.
3882 Increase Limit of File Name Filters (original)
3897 WebDAV support
3936 External Diff
3925 Syntax Highlighting - Allow wildcards to define keywords
3944 What about the option of changing text color?
4012 Customizable "hyphenate at" symbol list
4005 suppress "Another application has updated file" di
4006 Cancel opening of large files
4113 holding Shift or Ctrl always allows multiple instances
4091 Copying a word should not higlight an exclamation mark
4108 Path of syntax definitions file
4080 "Select All" using Right-Click popup menu.
Duplicate suggestion
3835 'Usage' in this File... (functionality exists)
3845 Extended Formatting ("Additional attributes for syntax highlighting")
Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2003 3:27 pm
by jeffy
Just to repeat what I've, and others have said before...
In order to make these rankings successful, there are two things that really need to happen, both requiring "mods" of the PHPbb software.
The first is a way to auto-populate the polll with the "standard" five-option poll, with a single button to delete all five options at once, and where the question and options can be edited by the poster.
Second, there needs to be a way to view all posts for which you've not yet voted.
So, anyone with knowledge of PHP and/or PHPbb want to take a stab at this?
:' )
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 10:06 pm
by Tyriel
Hey Jeffy,
Any chance we'll get an update any time soon?
This thread should be stickied, for easy reference by developers.