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It's only sleeping

Posted: Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:53 pm
by skaemper
as long as any enhancement suggestion rates in the top ten (or top twenty) of all suggestions, I think no thread is a dead thread.

They're like volcanoes, they're never dead - just sleeping, to blow off in the right moment...

And currently it's on the 3rd place, following 'code folding' and 'editable macros'...


will this come

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 10:29 am
by mkdna2
hm ... i can't find any textpad-developers statement here ...
will this feature be implemented or not ?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2004 12:14 pm
by s_reynisson
Difficult to say, see bbadmin's post over here, you may read whatever into it you like!
I have yet to see some sort of "road map" for TP, perhaps it's to much to ask for in such a "small" project or maybe just to much information for the competition. There's also the risk of promising the customers something you then later on can't deliver, just ask the "bright sparks" in marketing over here. ;)

Syntax file inheritance

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 8:45 pm
by dougcrews
Would be very nice if syntax definitions could inherit from others.

For example, SQLJ, AspectJ, J2EE, J2ME, JSP, JSF, and about six million other *J* acronyms all have custom syntax which extends the Java language.

Thus, whenever Sun releases a new version of Java, all the related syntax files must be updated by hand. Ouch!

Re: background coloring

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:30 pm
by Angantyr
Stephen Black wrote:Another thing (I haven't found this mentioned yet) I'd like is to have the background color extend to the right edge of the window in the absence of syntax that resets it. My personal use for this is in coloring comments. I like to use the background color to provide a very clear distinction between text and code, especially for block comments that begin files and functions. However, this isn't very effective when the right edge of the comment looks ragged. If the background color extended to the right edge of the window or page as long as the comment had not been terminated by a non-newline character then this provides very bold delineation between major blocks of code.

I realize that this is a personal preference thing and I mean no disrespect to Steve, but please, TextPad, don't implement this...or at least don't force it. Make it an option, but please don't hardcode it. I like the way TextPad handles single line comments just fine. In my opinion, extending the background color on single line comments makes things look unnecessarily cluttered, especially when there are lots of comments. So...please make it an option if you are even considering adding this "feature."

As for bold, italics and underscores, I'm all for that. :)

Re: Additional attributes for syntax highlighting

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:16 pm
by Pibka
skaemper wrote:I'd (still) like to see additional attributes added to the possibilities of syntax higlighting, especially bold, italics and underline.
This is a very usefull feature, only InterDev supports at the moment and the reason, why it is so important is printout. Here you can see keywords without printing color and this is very important!