Hang on read-only network files

General questions about using TextPad

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D. Bron

Hang on read-only network files

Post by D. Bron »

Hello all,

Whenever I try to open a read-only file from the network, TextPad hangs. Notepad is (and WordPad, Word, etc are) able to open these files without a problem. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone have a solution?


-D. Bron
John Stribling

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by John Stribling »

How large is the file you are trying to open? Is it a monster? I have experienced "hanging" when the size of the file exceeds around 350-400 MB.
D. Bron

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by D. Bron »


The problem occurs when I try to open ANY read-only file from the network. The last one I tried was around 10 KB.

I forget to mention in my original message that I'm running TextPad 4.5 on Windows 2000 Professional.

-D. Bron

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Andreas »

Is there a virus scanner active on your machine?
If so, deactivate it and try again.
Brett Fleming

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Brett Fleming »

I've just recently, read this week, starting having this problem, but it isn't limited to read-only files. I can read files off of other shares, but as soon as I try to read a file off our domain controller, TextPad freezes up good. I've tried to narrow down the problem, but it doesn't seem to fit together.

So far I have co-workers try it on 5 different machines (W2K, XP) and 2 completely different netowrks, one here, and one at the Navy base at PAX River. All of them lock when trying to read a file off a domain computer, but don't lock up trying to access someone else's personal share.

So far the only workaround I have is to copy the file locally. BTW, wordpad and notepad don't seem to have the same problem, but over my dead body will I stoop to use those editors.
D. Bron

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by D. Bron »

> Is there a virus scanner active on your machine?

Nope, and, by the way, this happens to Textpad on every machine I've tested. It used to happen on my Win98 box, too.

-D. Bron
German Battistessa

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by German Battistessa »

Your server is using Windows NT 4.0 server?

Because i having the same problem.

D. Bron

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by D. Bron »

>Your server is using Windows NT 4.0 server?

No, I'm pretty sure my company's entire network is running Win2K. I know for certain that my workstation is.

-D. Bron
Brett Fleming

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Brett Fleming »

I don't know it antivirus is running on our server, which I think is NT4 still, but I for sure am not running any on my W2K box. I don't think TextPad is the only affected product, I've noticed that Araxis Merge doesn't like our domain server either.
Raphael Conca

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Raphael Conca »

We have the same problems. XP Prof. We have sent a supportcall to Textpad. They ask for what Network server we are using, and if there is an active virus checker installed.
We answered but we had no response since 10-14-2002 !
it must be a seriouse problem!

I heard that Outlook (2000 or higher) also is a problem.

Has anyone sent a supportcall to?

Candy Blanchard

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Candy Blanchard »

I was having the same problem on a Win 2K workstation that had Symantec AV 8.0 installed and the NT Server (with the text files) had Symantec AV 8.0 installed, both were managed installs pointing at yet another NT Server. The files being opened were not read only, however Textpad would hang each time. I ended up putting McAfee 4.5.1 back on the Win 2K ws and Textpad is working fine now. Got me, but has to have a virus scan connection somewhere.
Brett Fleming

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Brett Fleming »

I haven't put in a support call myself, since it isn't that often that I open a network file directly. And we I need to I just copy the file. Now that I'm armed with other peoples insights I can go back to the admin and ask if any virus scanners have been recently installed and/or upgraded and I will report back here.
Brett Fleming

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Brett Fleming »

Just talk to our network admin and about the same time I started having trouble with textpad he updated McAfee on the server. Other changes made to the server at that point was an upgrade to exchange as well.

The other note of interest is that the files I'm accessing, or rather not accessing, are all on a compressed volume, but that's never seemed to matter... Other than slow as hell, but that's our admins fault :)
Ken Mortensen

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Ken Mortensen »

I never really had the problem with Textpad hanging before, but I just installed it on a Windows 2000 Server (Std, SP3) with the latest McAfee Netshielf engine installed and was having problems with Textpad getting stuck in a loop (Task Manager did not report Textpad as 'Not Responding' always indicated 'Running' even after long periods of time).

After reading this thread, I went and disabled the anti-virus software and, voila, Textpad no longer hung on opening files.
Ken Mortensen

Re: Hang on read-only network files

Post by Ken Mortensen »

One other quick note, I have NOT had problems running Textpad on Windows XP Pro (SP1) with Norton Antivirus 2002.
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