Bug - Removing and/or deleting a macro

General questions about using TextPad

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Susan Hunt

Bug - Removing and/or deleting a macro

Post by Susan Hunt »

on config, preferences, macros:
When I remove a macro & delete it, then 'apply', this makes problems:
when go to keyboard shortcuts,
the deleted macro still appears
& several macros now have the wrong shortcuts assigned to them.

this is a problem in textpad 4.4.2 & 4.5.

so then i have to fix several (but not all) of the shortcuts.
Jeff Epstein

Re: Bug - Removing and/or deleting a macro

Post by Jeff Epstein »

This is the most frustrating problem I know, regarding TextPad (ever since I started using the program about three years ago). How can a macro developer be encouraged by having to re-assign key commands every time they want to shuffle things around a bit?!

You can be assured that this bug is known about. It would most definitely not hurt to resubmit it though, through the TextPad feedback forum. The more complaints they get about it, the more likely there'll be a really really nice upgrade at some point :' )
Susan Hunt

Re: Bug - Removing and/or deleting a macro

Post by Susan Hunt »

Clicking Apply only effects the change to the specific preference. It is not until OK is clicked that the effect is transferred to the associated preference.

I realize that this means reopening the Preferences dialog box, and this is something which may be addressed in a future release.

Stephen MacDonald
Helios Software Solutions
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Post by lbreuss »

Is it fixed in TP version >4.5?

In general, I like TP, but the macros shorcut jumbling is frustrating.
I replaced a macro in TP v4.5 by recording and saving a new macro over the old macro .TPM file... The old one disappeared like expected, but the new one didn't appear in the menu and half of the shortcuts were moved to other macros. (OK, I know that I did something bad :twisted:, but...)

Could somebody explain me how TP manages macro shortcut assignments and why they get messed up at all?
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Joined: Wed Sep 26, 2007 1:05 am

Post by gr8dane »

Wow!! It's been six years since this question was first posted, and the problem still exists. I'm using TP 4.7.3 (tried v.5, didn't like it), and every so often one of my macros stops working properly, so I delete it and recreate it. When I go to assign the shortcut key, I discover that some/all of my other key assignments have been reassigned to different macros. Why is this happening? Is there any way to avoid it?
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