Option to allow saving a file even if not modified

Ideas for new features

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Option to allow saving a file even if not modified

Post by vdawg »

Many times while working on a file, I want to save it so FileZilla will detect a change and re-upload it. Sometimes I just want to update the date/time on a file I'm editing for some reason.

Currently, TextPad doesn't allow me to save a file using the bound Save key (Ctrl+S in my case) if it hasn't been modified, so I find myself adding a space and deleting it so I can save the file. I could use Save As, but I'm looking for a non-interactive save operation in these cases.

It would be if there was an option to allow saving regardless of a file's modified state.

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Post by AmigoJack »

But CTRL+S is an interaction already. Record a macro with those three key strokes, assign that your favorite key combination to play it back and you have your feature.

Instead of going the "long way" of hitting two keys (Space and Backspace) you could also do CTRL+L (lowercase) which should in most situations leave the current letter unchanged (uppercase letters are more rare). But then again those are two keys, too...
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