Make it always show line numbers

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Make it always show line numbers

Post by FanSince2001 »

I want line numbers shown all the time. I've had this as default for a long time. "Upgraded" (bah) to Windows 10. Using TP 8.1.2 (64bit)... can't get the "View/ Line Numbers" option to "stick".

Yes... closed all but one instance of Textpad.

Even closed ALL instances, opened ONE new one, selected "show" by hand, put text in tht opened-when-Textpad-booted doc. Saved the doc. Closed Textpad. Reopened... and we were back to NO line numbers.

Tearing my hair! (Spent a lot of time with Google and searching this forum before starting thread. Experienced user.) Thank heavens for forums!

What I want is somethning I've had for years... on pre-Win-bloddy-dog's-dinner Win 10.

Since writing the above... some further tests, etc...

I should have mentioned, I use the "save workspace" feature regularly. Further tests hint that maybe the show/hide linenumbers property is saved with each document. I can live with that; will eventually fix old documents. But would at least like any NEW documents to default to SHOW line numbers. Can I arrange that?
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Mike Olds
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Joined: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:27 pm

Post by Mike Olds »


It looks like what you are doing should work. But let us make sure the basics are correct:

Close all instances of TP.
Open one new instance to a new document.
Configure>Preferences>View>X Line numbers

Then, just to be sure,
>Document Classes >Default>Colors>Numbers: not the same color as background

Close TP

Re-open one instance to check.
Do this a couple of times just in case something got sticky.

That's the best I can do. Some of the more expert users may be more helpful.
Thank you, and
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