Two questions in understanding "syn"-files

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Two questions in understanding "syn"-files

Post by christiandittmann41 »

Hello to each other,
I am building a .syn-file for css3. (When ready it will be contributes to you, if you want. At the time the file has a length of over 1.700 lines.

1. Who to divide a keyword or class directly followed by a pseudo class?
2. Why causes some WebKit classes an error? They are very long, more than 80 chars.

Please have a look to the code. There you will find my syntax definition and examples.


Code: Select all


Namespace1 = 6
IgnoreCase = Yes
KeyWordLength =
BracketChars = {}()[]
OperatorChars = ;
PreprocStart =
HexPrefix = #
SyntaxStart =
SyntaxEnd =
CommentStart = /*
CommentEnd = */
CommentStartAlt =
CommentEndAlt =
SingleComment =
SingleCommentCol =
SingleCommentAlt =
SingleCommentColAlt =
SingleCommentEsc =
StringStart = "
StringEnd = "
StringEsc =
StringsSpanLines = Yes
CharStart =
CharEnd =
CharEsc =

plus "more signs in words": :-
in the register card of the document class>syntax



[color=blue]nav a[/color] {

[color=blue]nav[/color] [b]a:hover[/b]	  {

2. Data unvaild in line 7xx:

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Post by christiandittmann41 »

When typing code the forum software can't interpret the color cmd. Here a picture that shows my prob. one...


The middle instruction shows black and not two different blue colors.
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