Moving TextPad 8 Preferences Files

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Moving TextPad 8 Preferences Files

Post by johnhom »

TextPad 8 keeps user preferences in 2 files:


Is there a way to move these files to another location and point TextPad to them? I'm asking because I had my preferences stored locally and when the Help Desk replaced my PC, I lost the settings.

When I got wind that they were switching out machines, I started moving the configuration files from other software to a networked drive, so when my new PC was delivered, the only thing after installing the binary was to specify the new location. I hope TextPad is able to do the same,

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Post by MudGuard »

then you would need a third file that contains the location of the two files. But where should that be stored?

It must be a location that is either fix (so that TP can know where to find it), or is stored in a fourth file. But wher should that be stored?

It must be a location that is either fix (so that TP can know where to find it), or is stored in a fifth file. But wher should that be stored?

It must be a location that is either fix (so that TP can know where to find it), or is stored in a sixth file. But wher should that be stored?

To be continued ...

You could try to make c:\users\name\appdata\roaming\helios\textpad\version8 a link to the location you want.

Or, what makes much more sense to me:

copy the whole c:\users\name\appdata\roaming to the new computer, this might help for many other programs as well to keep their settings.
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Post by johnhom »

That's exactly what gpg4win, for example, does. For those who might not know, gpg4win is an open source pgp encryption/decryption suite. Anyway, it has a file named "gpg.conf" that is in the same directory as the executable. The file does not contain any secrets, but if you add these 5 lines to it:
keyring s:\dir\pubring.gpg
primary-keyring s:\dir\pubring.gpg
secret-keyring s:\dir\secring.gpg
trustdb-name s:\dir\trustdb.gpg
You can move the keyrings (secrets) elsewhere (perhaps a networked drive). Imagine you have 10 computers and you get key changes every week that need to be included in the keyring files. Having to copy the keyrings to all machines (to keep everything synchronized) is troublesome (Did I copy the files to the computer in the den? How about the laptop in the kitchen?). With the configuration pointer file, I copy "gpg.conf" once to each machine, and I'm done. I can add records, delete records and update records from any machine, and the other 9 computers will automatically get the change (they're reading the same file).
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