Number of recent files on File menu

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Number of recent files on File menu

Post by MarkN »

I am finding that 'Number of recent files on File menu' setting is not sticking from one opening of TextPad to another. In fact, NO recent files are appearing at all!

Is there some way of correcting this?
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Post by kengrubb »

When you say "not sticking", what do you mean?

Are you saying that the value you enter into Number of recent files on File menu does not remain in Configure, Preferences, File?

If so, then did you click Apply after setting the value?

That is the question.
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Post by MarkN »

Yes. In spite of clicking 'Apply', then 'OK'.

What is worse is that NO recent files appear on the File menu after closing and reopening TextPad.
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Post by kengrubb »

Close TextPad.

Open up ConfigState.xml in another editor.

Look for Recent Files structure. Should look something like this.

Code: Select all

		<value name="MRUMax" type="uint">10</value>
		<value name="MRUMaxWS" type="uint">10</value>
		<value name="Workspace" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\TextPad Configuration.tws</value>
		<value name="File1" type="string">\\WhoDontWannaKnow\Arrrr\ProductNumberFo\data\pant_load\investigation_WMD.txt</value>
		<value name="FileType1" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File2" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\Asia\Big Pressing Issue\Scribble.txt</value>
		<value name="FileType2" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File3" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\Asia\Big Pressing Issue\Scrap.sql</value>
		<value name="FileType3" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File4" type="string">\\lniaptum20\archive\TheAnswerIs42.txt</value>
		<value name="FileType4" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File5" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\AppData\Roaming\Mythicsoft\FileLocatorPro\Favorites\Mel Brooks Scripts.srf</value>
		<value name="FileType5" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File6" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\AppData\Roaming\Mythicsoft\FileLocatorPro\Favorites\Old Growth Logs.srf</value>
		<value name="FileType6" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File7" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\AppData\Roaming\Mythicsoft\FileLocatorPro\Favorites\Eddie Murphy Raw.srf</value>
		<value name="FileType7" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File8" type="string">\\WhoDontWannaKnow\DollarBill\Boat\Beer\nut_in_the_log.txt</value>
		<value name="FileType8" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File9" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\DWTS_2015\RSVP SSIS Packages\Test\Bad\return_check_file.txt</value>
		<value name="FileType9" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File10" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\DWTS_2015\RSVP SSIS Packages\Test\Bad\Sprite_test.txt</value>
		<value name="FileType10" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File11" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\DWTS_2015\Super Trooper\All.sql</value>
		<value name="FileType11" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File12" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\DWTS_2015\Super Trooper\CreateSuperman.sql</value>
		<value name="FileType12" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="WS1" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\TextPad Configuration.tws</value>
		<value name="WS2" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Big Pressing Issue.tws</value>
		<value name="WS3" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Thang - RSVP SSIS Packages.tws</value>
		<value name="File13" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\DWTS_2015\Super Trooper\CreateUsrhld.sql</value>
		<value name="FileType13" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File14" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\DWTS_2015\Super Trooper\DropSuperUserOnHead.sql</value>
		<value name="FileType14" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="File15" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\DWTS_2015\Super Trooper\TransferUserToSiberia.sql</value>
		<value name="FileType15" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="WS4" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Thang - Super Trooper.tws</value>
		<value name="WS5" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Thang - 1492 - Maps.tws</value>
		<value name="WS6" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Thang - Pens and Ink Table.tws</value>
		<value name="WS7" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Farva - Mainframe Jobs.tws</value>
		<value name="WS8" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Farva - Technical Discussions - Liter O Cola.tws</value>
		<value name="WS9" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Thang - POW.tws</value>
		<value name="WS10" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Workstation - MSIE Default.tws</value>
		<value name="WS11" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\TextPad Tools.tws</value>
		<value name="WS12" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Scripts.tws</value>
		<value name="WS13" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Workstation - MSIE on Desktop.tws</value>
		<value name="WS14" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Thang - General.tws</value>
		<value name="File16" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Issues\DWTS_2015\EIEIO\Test\Results\alpha_dawg_details.txt</value>
		<value name="FileType16" type="uint">2</value>
		<value name="WS15" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Thang - Biennium Fawlcon.tws</value>
		<value name="WS16" type="string">C:\Users\DoctorKennyG\Documents\Workstation - Stuff.tws</value>

That is the question.
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Post by MarkN »

Cannot find ConfigState.xml anywhere on my C: Drive.

Where should it be?
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Post by kengrubb »


That is the question.
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Post by MarkN »

TextPad is installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)\TextPad 4\TextPad.exe".

There is no "%AppData%\Helios\TextPad\7"...

I'll try uninstalling it and re-installing & see if it creates a folder "Helios" in AppData.

Control panel unable to uninstall TextPad 4.7: "Error 1402.Could not open key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE32\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\SharedDLLs. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key..."
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Post by MarkN »

I have now downloaded and installed TextPad 7-64 bit and, of course, it works perfectly!

My original copy of TextPad was v. which is dated 2004 and being a 32-bit version was not working properly under Windows 64-bit.
Thanks for your help. :D

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Post by MarkN »

One more point (Perhaps I should start a new Subject?): I have copied over the USERS folder from v.4.7 to my new installation of v.7.4 but no macros appear under the menu item 'Macros'.

Does v.7.4 use a different method of storing/using macros?

Is there a way of using my macros in v.7.4 - or do I have to record them all again?

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Post by kengrubb »

I think I have some really old Macros from 4.x days that still work fine.

I believe if you used any Regex, which doesn't work under Perl, you may have to re-record those.

That is the question.
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Post by MarkN »

Thanks, Ken.

I've finally managed to get my old macros to work in v.7.4 by moving them to the correct folder.

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