About to replace text pad. Annoying problems Ver 7

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About to replace text pad. Annoying problems Ver 7

Post by SELVOL »

TextPad context menu opens TextPad, but doesn't open the file I selected.
TextPad now Displays "Find in Files" Results on 1 line....

Since I updated to Ver.7 These to problems have become.

Image "Find in Files" results on 1 line.
They are pretty much worthless at that point.

Fully registered Ver. 7 Textpad
Windows 7 Ultimate
16gb Ram
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Mike Olds
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Post by Mike Olds »

I have about the same setup and just tried it without problems.
Thank you, and
Best Wishes,
check out the What's New? Oblog:
http://buddhadust.net/dhammatalk/dhamma ... ts.new.htm
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Post by SELVOL »

"I have about the same setup and just tried it without problems."
Wish I had no problems......

Let me put some more info out here.
Only after I encountered the problem in Ver 6 where
"Find in files" would not show up at all.
I changed to ver 7.
I had to a Manual transfer of my saved macros and clips.

as 7 did not do this for me.......

No I am having the problem of clicking on a NON Associated file extension
either by click click or context menu where the file does not open.

Why don't I just associate that file type.
Someone might ask.
I come across 100's of different file extension a week.
Yes I would eventually associate them all.

The major problem is
TextPad now Displays "Find in Files" Results on 1 line....

Thank you
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Post by vr8ce »

Running 7.0.7 on Win7SP1.

I just double-clicked in Explorer on a (text) file with a non-standard extension, got the Windows dialog that said it couldn't open the file, clicked the "Select a program from the list of installed programs" option, chose Textpad, and the file was opened normally.

Sorry, can't replicate.
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Post by kengrubb »

What version of TP did you have running before? And just trying to get as much detail as possible, you upgraded from that version directly to TP 7.0.7?

That is the question.
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Post by SELVOL »

The file being searched is 1.6GB.

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Post by kengrubb »

Try changing In Files from * to *.*

That is the question.
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* TO *.*

Post by SELVOL »

kengrubb TRIED that.
Thank you But It did NOT work.
Also tried
* to *.bak (Did not Work)
Removed the REGEX (Did not Work)

TP Only DOES this sometimes.....

Text Pad Ver 7.0.9 32bit
Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Service pack 1
intel i7-3770 304ghz
8 gb Ram

Thank you
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Post by kengrubb »

OK, I may understand this better, and I believe I can reproduce it or a related problem.

I created File1.txt


And File2.txt


I simplified the RE slightly, but it does not make any difference.

Doing a File In Files
Find what: [0-9]{14}=
In files: *.* (as you found, * or *.* produces the same results)
I get this:

Searching for: [0-9]{14}=
File1.txt(2): 213984729837489723847=
File1.txt(3): 234987239847982734987=File2.txt(3): 23984792873498273849=
Found 3 occurrence(s) in 2 file(s)

Doing a File In Files
Find what: [0-9]{14}=
In files: File1.txt
I get this:

Searching for: [0-9]{14}=
file1.txt(2): 213984729837489723847=
file1.txt(3): 234987239847982734987=Found 2 occurrence(s) in 1 file(s)

Doing a File In Files
Find what: [0-9]{14}=
In files: File2.txt
I get this:

Searching for: [0-9]{14}=
file2.txt(3): 23984792873498273849=
Found 1 occurrence(s) in 1 file(s)

That is the question.
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